Page 413 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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City Council and Metro Madrid. On this occasion, despite depth” overviews on current issues. In addition, reports
going virtual, more than 3,000 visitors, 200 speakers and and sector announcements were issued, as well as our
more than 100 exhibitors were connected in the virtual own internal communications and marketing actions
area set up for the exhibition. were taken through different channels (press, social
media, etc.).
In addition, other international promotion actions were guía de empresas
organized thanks to more than 7 sectorial meetings and No. of members:
attendance to two exhibitions and congresses, covering Associates: 98 members (31.12.2022)
in total contacts from over 10 different countries, and Currently: 115 members
with the presence of around 38 companies. Some of these
countries were: France, Germany and Sweden. Exportation:
In 2022, MAFEX´s members exported more than 4.5
In addition to our sectorial knowledge, we have our billion Euros, with their turnover exceeding 6.5 billion
own methodologies for market and technology analysis. Euros, and a workforce of over 30,000 employees (figures
Through an organized and selective process of gathering only referred to the rail sector).
external information and information from the Association
itself, we provide value-added strategic intelligence and
support to our member companies in the search for
opportunities, as well as in making decisions related to
their geographic markets.
Mafex launched the past year the sectorial forums
with the aim of serving as a key mechanism of sectoral
dynamization, and that are emerging as a meeting place
between the organisations that make up the value chain
of the railway sector. On this occasion it has been focused MASATS, S.A.
on international markets and, in particular, in France.
Polig. Ind. Salelles
In the area of innovation, Mafex is currently collaborating Mestre Alapont s/n
in 6 projects, 3 of European scope. It is worth mentioning E-08253 San Salvador de Guardiola. Barcelona. España
the STAFFER project which combines key stakeholders Tel.: +34 93 835 29 00
in the rail industry to closely cooperate in anticipating
the training needs and improving the dialogue between
the education sector and the labour market. Mafex also Equipo directivo:
participates at European level in the EXXTRA, STARS and Gerente: Ignacio Elburgo. Responsable de I + D: Jordi Pujol.
S-ACCESS projects. At national level in ePROMAT and Responsable Sector Ferrocarril: Jonathan Fenoy. Responsable
Rail Innovation Network (RIN) which aims to create a Puertas Andén (PSD): Polis Karatzas. Responsable de Sistemas:
collaboration between academia and industry, with the Joan Enrich. Responsable de Calidad: Josep Soler. Responsable
aim of driving a change in innovation in the railway sector de Compras: Mario Monfort.
and accelerating the adoption of new technologies and
products from the research phase to their subsequent Actividad: MASATS es especialista en el diseño y fabricación
application in the market. de sistemas de accesibilidad a todo tipo de transporte público,
During the 2022 a Technological Agenda has been ya sea ferrocarril o carretera.
launched too. An instrument that has made it possible Masats desarrolla sistemas de protección en andenes, PSD.
to identify the challenges and opportunities of the rail
market from a technological point of view. Principales productos y servicios:
Puertas embarcadas deslizantes eléctricas, Rampa-estribo
In the area of communication, Mafex Magazine has eléctrica.
consolidated itself as an international dissemination Sistema de puertas de andén PSD modulares y PSD adaptables
channel and increased the participation of associated con el máximo nivel de seguridad. Gap fillers para plataformas
companies, sharing news and preparing special “In de la estación.
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 411