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company guide  -   Hemos sido adjudicatarios de un nuevo contrato de   -   Independent  Safety  Assessment  Body  (ISA)
                  Alstom en Italia para el EMU POP 2.0.
                                                                    recognised in all Member States, Switzerland, Algeria, Turkey,
                         La SNCF Réseau nos ha adjudicado las evaluaciones
                                                                    India, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Austria and Scandinavia.
                                                                           Accredited Entity for the certification of  Adif
                  AsBo, NoBo y DeBo en el marco del despliegue de la nueva
                                                                    Technical Specifications.
                  solución ARGOS.
                                                                           Independent  Assessment Body (AsBo) accredited
                         Hemos finalizado la campaña de pruebas en
                                                                    under Regulation (EU) No 402/2013 and Recommendation
                  Bélgica y los Países Bajos del ERTMS baseline 3 para los trenes
                  E320 Eurostar de Siemens.
                                                                           Testing entity for the technical compatibility
                  Áreas  geográficas  donde  comercializa  los  productos  y
                  servicios:  Todos los países de la Unión Europea, Suiza,
                                                                           Certification entity for the Entities in Charge of
                  Noruega, Argelia, Marruecos, Turquía, India, Emiratos Árabes
                                                                    Maintenance (ECM) and workshops
                  Unidos, Australia, Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Perú, China.  between rolling stock and track.
                                                                           Assessment body for Safety management systems.
                                                                    -      Entity for the voluntary verification.
                  Certificaciones:                                  -      Independent Cyber Security assessment.
                  Acreditaciones:                                   -      Management Systems Audits & Certification
                  ISO 17065 (ETI, ETH, ET, EEM)
                  ISO 17020 (ISA, AsBo)                             Top  products:  TRAINING, CERTIFICATION, RESEARCH: 1.
                  ISO 17021 (ISO 9001)                              Recognition of CERTIFER Spain as DeBo in Portugal.
                  Reconocimientos:                                  Activities in the year:
                  NoBo, DeBo, ISA, AsBo, EEM, OQA, KSA – ICP        In 2022, CERTIFER achieved the accreditation as DeBo for
                                                                    Portugal, being the first entity outside the country to do so. The
                  Facturación: Grupo Certifer 2022: 36,4 millones de euros  incorporation of our expertise to the Portuguese market has
                  Nº de empleados: 280                              as main objective to help the Portuguese railway sector in its
                                                                    development towards interoperability.
                                                                    In September 2022, CERTIFER Group completed the
                  Description:                                      acquisition of the Transport business of global engineering and
                  Entity  for  Certification,  Safety  Evaluation  and  Inspection  for   technical consultancy Vysus. It adds to our current portfolio of
                  railway system,  Trams and Metros. CERTIFER Group, third   services the expertise of a team that has built a solid reputation
                  certification entity worldwide, and first in Europe, has 24   for developing a market differentiating solution in the transport
                  international locations (Algeria,  Australia,  Austria, Belgium,   sector in Scandinavia.
                  Brazil, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands,
                  Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey and   Over the past 25 years, we have become a leader in testing,
                  branches in Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates).  inspection and certification. In addition to diversifying our
                                                                    activities, we have strengthened international presence, which
                  Management team:                                  now includes 24 locations and 280 people worldwide.
                  CEO: Pierre Kadziola. Managing Director Belgium: Jean-Marc
                  Dupas. Director Spanish Branch: Lucas Sánchez Ugalde.  Main achievements of CERTIFER in 2022:
                                                                    -      FERTAGUS awards us the first project in the field of
                  Activity: Training, certification, research.      DeBo Portugal.
                                                                    -      Completed its ISA mission for the extension of line
                  Main products and services:                       4 of the Paris metro.
                  -      Certification and Safety in Rolling Stock,   -    Has been selected by the Serbian Railway
                  Infrastructure, Energy, Control-Command and Signalling, and   Infrastructure JSC as Notified Body in a consortium led by DB
                  Maintenance Entities.                             Engineering & Consulting GmbH for the Works Supervision
                  -      Notified Body (NoBo) for all subsystems and their   and Support to PIU for Reconstruction and Modernization of
                  constituents (Interoperability Directive).        Railway line “Niš-Dimitrovgrad” (Serbia)
                  -      Designated Body (DeBo) in: Spain, Portugal, France,   -   Awarded its first contract in Italia from ECM., a
                  Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey,   company part of the signal division of Progress Rail (Caterpillar
                  Italy, Germany,  Austria Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland   – USA) to carry out ISA, DeBo, AsBo and Laboratory mission of
                  and Finland                                       the new CCS on-board subsystem installation on four different

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