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company guide At a national level, CEMOSA coordinated the “ROBOTRACK: Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Automation of installation systems for a new concept of
Panama, Perú and Portugal.
low-weight slab track” project, co-funded by the RETOS-
COLABORACION programme (Government of Spain). In this
Quality Management Systems, according to UNE EN ISO
project, CEMOSA participated in the design of supporting
layers based on recycled materials, the reliability and costs
Environmental Management Systems, according to UNE EN
(RAMS&LCC) analysis of the new slab track solution and in
ISO 14001:2015.
the definition of the construction methods. CEMOSA also
System Management of Health and Safety at Work, according
participates in the “RESILTRACK: Resilience of railway
infrastructures to Climate Change” project of CDTI’s CIEN
programme in which hybrid algorithms are designed for the
R&D&i Management System, according to CEN/TS 16555-
1:2013 and UNE 166002:2014.
analysis of the structural health of railway viaducts, their
implementation and integration into the BIM environment. to ISO 45001:2018.
Notified Body (no. 1377) by the Ministry of Industry, Energy
In addition, CEMOSA coordinates the “TECH4INFRA: New and Tourism and is accredited by ENAC for CE marking of
technologies applied to the efficient and safe management of more than 100 Construction products (no. OC-P/141) under
civil infrastructures” project, co-financed by the IDEA Agency the EC Directive 89/106/EEC. Moreover, CEMOSA laboratories
of the Andalusian Regional Government. CEMOSA, apart from belongs to the General Register of Quality Control Testing
the coordination of the project and the demonstrators and Laboratories in the fields of Buildings and Civil Engineering
definition of the technical requirements, is in charge of the according to the national regulation RD 410/2010.
integration of the inspection and monitoring information of the
project. In this sense, CEMOSA develops an asset management Turnover: 42.1 million Euros
platform oriented to a BIM-GIS environment, including the No. of employees: +1000
various sources of information developed in the project such R&D investment: 2 million Euros
as inspection drones and Edge Computing monitoring systems.
Innovations in other fields:
In the Energy and Buildings research area, CEMOSA
coordinates two projects: the eTeacher H2020 project on
promoting and changing the behaviour of energy users in
buildings and the ebalance-plus H2020 project on increasing
the energy flexibility of distribution grids. Moreover, CEMOSA
is carrying out the AICREDITS (funded by CDTI), whose
objective is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to
improve energy audits. co-financed by the CDTI. CERTIFER BELGORAIL SA
In roads, CEMOSA participates in “REPARA 2.0: Advanced Sucursal en España
and sustainable developments for efficient road pavement
rehabilitation techniques” research project, funded by the Paseo de la Castellana, 127 – 2 planta, letra A
CIEN programme (Government of Spain). Within this project, E-28046 Madrid. España
CEMOSA designed new cold asphalt pavements with 100% Tel.: +34 91 764 72 21
of RAP, further developed the high performance pavement
auscultation system patented by CEMOSA in a former project,
and developed a software tool for the calculation of asphalt
pavements taking in to account the new materials and Descripción:
construction methods developed within this project. Organismo de certificación, evaluación de seguridad e
Transversal to all areas, CEMOSA participates in the “SARIL: inspección para el sistema ferroviario, tranvías y metros. El
Sustainability and Resilience for Infrastructure and Logistic grupo CERTIFER, tercer grupo de certificación ferroviaria a nivel
networks” project, financed by the Horizon Europe programme. mundial y primero en Europa cuenta con 24 emplazamientos
The project develops tools for the evaluation and improvement internacionales (Alemania, Arabia Saudí, Argelia, Australia,
of the resilience and sustainability of logistics networks, using Austria, Bélgica, Brasil, China, Dinamarca, España, Francia,
business intelligence and data analysis tools among others. Italia, Noruega, Países Bajos, Suiza, Suecia, Turquía y sucursales
en Hong Kong y Emiratos Árabes Unidos).
Geographic areas where your products and services are
marketed: Spain (13 national offices), Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
296 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook