Page 11 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 11

            Presidenta de Honor, Raquel Sánchez Jiménez       Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles is an organization of
            Presidente, Raül Blanco Díaz                      state public sector, whose founding trustees are Renfe Operado-
            Vicepresidenta, Mª Luisa Domínguez González       ra and Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias, ADIF, as
            Presidenta de la Comisión de Gobierno, Teresa Torres Torres  successors of the old Renfe. Fundacion was established in 1985
            Secretario del Patronato, José Luis Marroquín Mochales  in order to promote transport by rail.

            Vocales:                                          The purposes of Fundacion:
            Renfe                                             Promote awareness and use of rail transport
            Isaac Sastre de Diego                             Promote research on the railway and land transport.
            José Luis Cachafeiro Vila                         Promote training on the railway                    Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles
            Manuel Sempere Luján                              Investigate and disseminate socio-economic and environmental
            Ángel Jiménez Gutiérrez                           benefits of rail transport.
            Manel Villalante i Llauradó                       Ensure  the  identification,  conservation,  restoration,  extension
            Francisco David Lucas Parrón                      and exhibition of cultural heritage of the Spanish railways of
            Mª José Rallo del Olmo                            Adif and Renfe
            Rafael García Martínez                            Dissemination of social, economic and cultural role of railways
            Adif                                              in the past and in the future, with printed, electronic and au-
            Paloma Rodríguez Pesado                           diovisual.
            Jesús María Campo Campo                           Research and dissemination of economic and environmental
            Pedro Pablo Merino                                benefits of rail transport.
            Ángel Ruiz Ordóñez
            Adif Alta Velocidad                               To fulfill its goals, Fundacion carries out the following activi-
            Manuel Martínez Cepeda                            ties:
            Michaux Miranda Paniagua                          Organize courses, seminars, meetings and other training or edu-
            Juan Pablo Villanueva Beltramini                  cational activities related to the whole rail system or its subsys-
            Juan Pedro Fernández Palomino                     tems.
            José Ignacio Carnicero Alonso-Colmenares          Perform research and studies, especially in areas such as railway
            Euskotren                                         operations; geographical and rail traffic, energy consumption
            Javier Seoane Icaran                              and emissions.
            Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya       Manage Madrid-Delicias and Catalonia-Vilanova Railway Mu-
            Antoni Segarra Barreto                            seums
            Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana         Developing the plan for identification, protection and dissemi-
            Roser Obrer Marco                                 nation of historical and cultural railway heritage.
            Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca                   Preserving and enriching the funds of Historical Archives of the
            Mateu Capellà Ribot                               Spanish Railways, and Newspaper Library, making it accessible
            Metro de Madrid                                   to the public.
            Silvia Roldán Fernández                           Maintain and enhance the railway museum funds and promo-
            Euskal Trenbide Sarea                             ting public display.
            Ernesto Martínez Cabredo
            Redalsa                                           To this end, Fundacion will promote the necessary agreements
            Alfonso Ochoa de Olza Galé                        with institutions and companies to ensure the best presence and
            Puertos del Estado                                distribution of funds.
            Jaime Seijas Rodríguez
            Asociación Turística Ferroviaria                  Promote the research of railway history
            Juan Pedro Galiano Serrano                        Promote the research and study of the economics of transport in
            Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona             general and in particular the research, development, innovation
            Santiago Torres Sierra                            and studies on the railway in its political, economic and social
            Junta de Andalucía                                environment.
            Julio Jesús Caballero Sánchez                     Edit and disseminate printed and electronic journal “Via Libre”,
                                                              maintaining its informative and divulging character on the rai-
                                                              lroad, according to the aims of the Foundation and any other

            Spanish Railway Yearbook  2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril                                               9
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