Page 9 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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mark public entity that I have been proud to head over the
last year, leading many initiatives aimed at raising awareness
regarding trains.
This railway yearbook is one of the documents
that help us attain such goals. Its 500 plus pages include the
most extensive information on the state of the railway in our
country, as well as a guide featuring all the companies and
organisms that participate in the sector’s everyday activities.
Published since 1995, it is a reference book for any profes-
sional in the transport sector, and for all those that share our
interest in expanding our knowledge of the railway.
In this 28th edition of the yearbook that you have
in your hands, you will find the latest information prepared
by the Railway Observatory in Spain (Observatorio del Fe-
rrocarril en España, OFE), featuring accurate data on the
Adrián Fernández Carrasco situation and evolution of infrastructure, passenger and frei-
Director Gerente de ght transport, socioeconomic and environmental aspects, as
la Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles well as information on metropolitan railways and tramways
from the Metropolitan Mobility Observatory (Observatorio
de la Movilidad Metropolitana, OMM).
The figures included in this edition of 2023 re-
veal the fast recovery of the railway after the pandemic, far
superior to that of other means of transport. This data points
ters that make the railway the priority means for designing to a promising future, which will be enhanced as the unpre-
the transport of the future. cedented investments underway, with over 12 billion euros
It is not possible to develop the railway network planned by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban
without a powerful industrial fabric to support it. Thanks to Agenda, are implemented.
manufacturers, operators, building companies, and auxiliary The Spanish Railways Foundation invites you
industries, the rail sector is now a source of quality employ- to explore the contents of this yearbook, trusting that it will
ment, and a driving force of scientific research and technolo- become an essential reference book for learning about the
gical advances. And, although the railway has kept its basic railway.
essence (steel rolling on steel), the industry is constantly in-
novating to make the train an even safer, more modern and
efficient means of transport.
Promoting and publicising the train’s role is the
raison d’être of the Spanish Railways Foundation, a land-
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 7