Page 62 - Revista Vía Libre Nº 649 - Marzo 2020
P. 62
Rail Live
Created in 2002, Railgrup
has become a benchmark clus-
ter in the railway sector, which
enhances the overall competi-
tiveness of its members and their influence through We work to empower our members by provi-
technological excellence, sectoral knowledge and the ding them with better notions of the sectoral trends
development of joint projects. and with better understanding of their supply chain
The main objective of Railgrup is to contribu- dynamics.
te to improving the competitiveness of its members Such specialized and personalized business
through technological cooperation as a differentia- intelligence is a key element for our members that
ting element. will facilitate the planning, design and launching of
Technological innovation through environ- new products, technologies and services to improve
ments for knowledge sharing and training are the competitiveness
cluster response for the challenges of the near fu-
The current value chain of Railgrup and its
vast technological offer, are one of the main assets
of the cluster.
Railgrup currently counts with more than 100
associated companies.
The actions of Railgrup gear towards provi-
ding of detailed knowledge about the railway sector
on a national and international level.
of 0.7%. These figures place the company at record highs.
RENFE The demand of the Commuter and Regional trains
across the country grew 0.5% last year, reaching 475.9
Renfe superó los 510 millones de viajeros en 2019. million passengers (2.5 million more than in 2018).
El número total de viajeros de Renfe ascendió a 510,5 In public services in 2019, the Commuter Services
millones en 2019, 3,4 millones más que el año anterior, lo in Madrid reached 253.4 million travelers (0.8% less than
que supone un incremento del 0,7%. Estas cifras sitúan in 2018) and 128.5 million in Catalonia (a 2,5% more than
a la compañía en máximos históricos. the previous year).
La demanda de los trenes de Cercanías y Media On the other hand, the demand for commercial
Distancia de todo el país creció un 0,5% el pasado año, services grew 2.7% in the year, reaching 34.5 million pass-
alcanzando los 475,9 millones de viajeros (2,5 millones engers. In these services, Ave (high speed services) regis-
más que en 2018). tered 22.4 million travelers, one million more than in 2018,
Dentro del movimiento de viajeros en servicios with a growth of 4.9%.
públicos en 2019, destacan los 253,4 millones de viajeros
en el núcleo de Cercanías de Madrid (un 0,8% menos
que en 2018) y los 128,5 millones de Rodalies de Cataluña
(un 2,5% más que el año precedente).
Por su parte, la demanda de los trenes comercia-
les creció en el ejercicio un 2,7%, hasta alcanzar los 34,5
millones de viajeros. En este apartado, el AVE registró
22,4 millones de viajeros, un millón más que en 2018, con
un crecimiento del 4,9%.
Renfe reached 510 million travelers in 2019. The to-
tal ammount of Renfe travelers reached to 510.5 million in
2019, 3.4 million more than the previous year, an increase
62 Vía Libre • marzo • 2020