Page 444 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 444
company guide Actividades en el año: leading players in travelers transport, mainly by rail. OUIGO
Servicio de alta velocidad en trenes de doble altura de OUI-
is the “low-fare” high-speed train operator that arrived in
Spain with the aim to popularize high-speed travel and brin-
GO entre Madrid y Barcelona con paradas en Zaragoza y Tar-
ging this means of transport closer to all budgets.
ragona, desde mayo de 2021, entre Madrid y Valencia desde
octubre de 2022, y entre Madrid y Alicante, con parada en
From May 10, 2021, OUIGO began its activity in Spain offe-
Albacete, desde abril de 2023.
ring a high-speed service between Madrid and Barcelona with
En este 2024 OUIGO ha comenzado a ofrecer trayectos en
stops in Zaragoza and Tarragona. Since October 7, 2022, the
tren de alta velocidad entre Madrid y Valladolid, con parada
27, 2023, OUIGO expanded its activity in Spain bringing its
en Segovia; Madrid y Murcia, con parada en Elche; y Madrid
service to the cities of Alicante and Albacete. This 2024 it has
y Cuenca, en las rutas hacía Valencia y Albacete y Alicante; y
en el segundo semestre iniciará las operaciones entre Madrid- company operates the route Madrid - Valencia and on April
connected Madrid with Valladolid and Segovia; Elche and
Córdoba-Sevilla-Málaga. Murcia; added a stop in Cuenca on the Madrid-Valencia and
Madrid-Albacete-Alicante routes; and in the second semester
Innovaciones: Múltiples innovaciones en la digitalización del it will start operating on the Madrid-Cordoba-Sevilla-Malaga
sector de operación ferroviaria en España. route
Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser- OUIGO operates a total of 10 daily departures between Ma-
vicios: Madrid, Zaragoza (Aragón), Tarragona (Cataluña), Bar- drid and Barcelona, with routes from 2 hours and 30 minutes,
celona (Cataluña), Valencia (Comunidad Valenciana), Alican- with stops in Zaragoza and Tarragona, and a total of 10 routes
te (Comunidad Valenciana) y Albacete (Castilla-La Mancha), between Madrid and Valencia, in less than 2 hours. On the
Segovia (Castilla y León), Valladolid (Castilla y León), Cuenca Madrid-Alicante route, with a stop in Albacete, it offers 6 jour-
(Castilla La Mancha), Murcia (Murcia), Elche (Comunidad neys in about 2 hours. Since this year, OUIGO offers 2 daily
Valenciana). Próximamente en Córdoba (Andalucía), Sevilla high-speed train frequencies between Madrid and Valladolid,
(Andalucía) y Málaga (Andalucía). with a stop in Segovia, one of them with a link to Alicante,
passing through Albacete.
Certificaciones: Accesibilidad: La web y app de OUIGO cu-
entan con el certificado de accesibilidad AA de ILUNION Ac- In addition, it offers 2 daily frequencies between Madrid and
cesibilidad en cuanto a la accesibilidad a sus plataformas para Murcia with a stop in Elche and 6 daily frequencies to Cuen-
personas discapacitadas. ca within its Madrid-Albacete-Alicante and Madrid-Valencia
corridors. In the second semester OUIGO will begin operati-
ons on the Madrid-Cordoba-Seville-Malaga route with 3 daily
frequencies to Seville and 3 daily frequencies to Malaga, all
Management team: stopping in Cordoba.
General Manager: Hélène Valenzuela
Head of Human Resources and IT: Francisco Martín These routes are carried out on board the modern fleet of 16
Head of Legal Department: Patricia Miranda Alstom Euroduplex double-decker trains.
Head of Operations Planning and Maintenance: Sergio Bárce-
na Top products: OPERATORS: 1. High-speed train service
Head of Security Management: David Cortes between Madrid and Barcelona with stops in Zaragoza and
Head of Financial & Procurement Officer: Santiago Pérez de Tarragona, Valencia, Albacete, Alicante, Segovia, Valladolid,
Ayala Murcia, Elche, Cuenca, Sevilla, Córdoba and Málaga. 2. New
Commercial and Marketing Director: Federico Pareja high-speed train routes between Madrid and Valladolid, stop-
Operations and Services Management Director: Pierre Gros- ping in Segovia; Madrid and Murcia, stopping in Elche; Cu-
mann enca on the Madrid-Valencia and Madrid-Albacete-Alicante
routes and Madrid-Córdoba-Sevilla-Málaga in 2024. 3. Open
Activity: Railway Transport Operator. Sustainability 4. Personalised travel experience with options
such as OUIGO FULL, Time to Think and onboard services
Main products and services: such as OUIBAR and OUIFUN.
OUIGO ESPAÑA SAU is a private company, a Spanish subsi-
diary of the French group SNCF Voyageurs, one of the world’s
442 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2024 Spanish Railway Yearbook