Page 442 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 442
company guide Description: a length of 302 m with 6 spans 43+4 x 54+43 m and with
a single-cell caisson section made from prestressed concrete
to a thickness of 3.80 m and 14 m width. A bridge was built
over the EX-A1 highway spanning 211 m made from prefabri-
cated T beam platforms 1.40 m thick and a compression slab
of more than 25 cm over prefabricated concrete floor plates.
ny specializing in the execution and overhauling of infrastruc-
Earthworks comprise 2 million cubic metres including excava-
tures at different network levels: conventional, high-speed or
metropolitan transport, with the capacity to implement all
tion and landfill work. Embankments are built using the land-
the necessary work. We build, strengthen and carry out im-
provement work on roadways, tunnels, bridges and stations,
Implementation of the construction work of the New Parla
consolidation of ditches, overhaul of embankments and re-
construction of gutters. fill from excavation work of the cemented section.
Norte Station (Madrid). Work on railways.
New local railway station, to the north of the urban area of
Management team: Parla town. The station will be integrated into the currently
Management board: operating Region of Madrid’s C-4 local railway. The station
Chairman and CEO: Juan Antonio Carpintero López will cover an area of 900 m2 and will comprise a single floor
Executive Vice-President: Sara Carpintero Grande with three differentiated areas: passenger hall, shopping area
General Secretary: Juan Luis Domínguez Sidera and technical service facilities. The station will have platforms
Corporate General Manager: Raul Arce Alonso 210 m long and a minimum width of 5 m. An underpass will
Development General Manager: Francisco Javier de la Mata link the platforms built using buried caissons measuring 5 m
Medina wide and 3 m headroom.
Sustainability and Digital Transformation General Manager:
Carlos Bárcena Martín Execution of the construction work on the branch line linking
Economic and Administrative General Manager: Federico Co- the Monforte del Cid-Murcia high-speed railway line with the
lom Chinchilla-Cartagena line.
Concessions Director: Carlos Carpintero Grande Execution of the trackbed for the direct link (bypass) in the
Concessions and Treasury Director: Alberto de la Fuente Sanz El Reguerón area with a single standard gauge track and de-
Economic and Financial Director: María Carpintero Grande sign speed of 160 km/h, as well as replacement of easements
and affected services, environmental integration of the infra-
Main products and services: structure and complementary works. The RM-F16 viaduct is
Construction of Railway Construction Works and associated particularly noteworthy, allowing the crossing of the High-
Infrastructures: viaducts, structures, tunnels, earthworks, rail- speed Railway line with the F-16 country road featuring three
way infrastructures, drains and railway stations. spans (12 + 16 + 12) and deep foundations using prefabricated
piles on all supports. The geotechnical conditions of the site
Top products: INFRASTRUCTURE: 1. Construction of the required specific geotechnical methods: preload on embank-
trackbed for the high-speed railway between Madrid and ments and reinforcements of the natural terrain using gravel
Extremadura. Talayuela-Cáceres. Section: Toril-Río Tiétar. 2. columns and vertical drainage.
Implementation of the construction work of the New Parla
Norte Station (Madrid). Work on railways. Geographical areas where our products and services are
Activities this year: ORTIZ CONSTRUCCIONES y PROYECTOS, S.A. carries out
A number of ongoing projects being carried out by ORTIZ its business activities nationally and internationally.
CONSTRUCCIONES y PROYECTOS, S.A. is provided as fol-
lows. Certifications:
Quality and Environment:
Construction of the trackbed for the high-speed railway bet- Quality Management System certificate in accordance with
ween Madrid and Extremadura. Talayuela-Cáceres. Section: ISO 9001:2015 standard assigned registration number ER-
Toril-Río Tiétar. 0159/1997.
Construction of a section of 10,682 m of the high-speed rail- Environmental Management System certificate in accordance
way trackbed up to the sub-ballast layer. Emphasis is placed with the ISO 14001:2015 standard assigned registration num-
on construction of the viaduct over the River Tiétar, covering ber GA-2000/0039.
440 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2024 Spanish Railway Yearbook