Page 375 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 375

RENFE                                            HEXIS printable, coloured or protective self-adhesive films
               METRO BILBAO                                     offer a complete range of solutions to meet the most challen-
               METRO BARCELONA                                  ging quality criteria and requirements of the industrial pro-
               METRO VALENCIA                                   jects. HEXIS supports its clients throughout all phases of the
               METRO MÁLAGA                                     project, from technical conception to implementing the best
               TRANVÍA DE BILBAO                                tailor-made alternatives, while also providing a framework for   guía de empresas
                -     TRANVÍA DE VALENCIA Y ALICANTE            technical assistance.

               Innovaciones:                                    Based on this experience, HEXIS provides a solution to en-
               RL11030-11. Nuevo film extra polivalente de PU conformable   hance and protect your image as well as your equipment. The
               apto para interiores y exteriores: Anti-graffiti, no sólo impi-  installation of adhesive films has multiple advantages to im-
               de que las pintadas se incrusten, sino que facilita la limpieza   prove the perception of users, provide endless creative pos-
               del material móvil (G1 según norma NF F31-112); Ultra con-  sibilities, reduce maintenance times and costs, protect from
               formable, es ideal para aplicar sobre superficies 2D+; Ecológi-  graffiti etc.
               co y duradero, ofrece una solución 100% libre de PVC, muy
               resistente al desgaste y a los rayos UV. Resistente al fuego   Management team:
               según la norma europea EN45545-2 (testado para niveles de   General Manager: Xavier Casas; Sales Director: Ripu Bakshi;
               peligro HL1, HL2 y HL3).                         Financial Manager: Chelo Reyes.

               Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser-  Activity: Components, Maintenance and Other.
               Fábricas en Francia; Filiales en Alemania, España, Italia, Sue-  Main products and services:
               cia, Dinamarca, Estados Unidos, Antillas Francesas, La Reu-  European manufacturer of high-performance self-adhesive
               nión, Suiza y Australia; Master franquiciados en Países Bajos,   films in PVC, PU or latex.
               Reino Unido; Canadá y Emiratos Árabes Unidos; y una red de
               distribución presente en 75 países.              RU5000  (Railway Underground) PVC suitable for under-
                                                                ground trains
               Certificaciones:                                 RO6000 (Railway Overground) PVC suitable for surface rail-
               Calidad, Medio Ambiente y RSE: ISO 9001 Sistemas de ge-  ways
               stión de la calidad; ISO 14001 Sistemas de gestión ambiental;   R7000 PU suitable for indoors and outdoors. PVC-free
               ISO 45001 Sistema de seguridad y salud en el trabajo; Certi-  R11000 conformable PU suitable for indoors and outdoors.
               ficación IATF 16949:2016 y certificación forestal FSC (ambas   PVC-free
               para la planta de Frontignan); Medalla de Oro en la califica-  RS BODYFENCE (self-healing Paint Protection Film)
               ción de sostenibilidad 2024 de EcoVadis.         PURE ZONE (Antimicrobial Film)
               Facturación: 141.000.000 €                       SOLAR AND ANTI-GRAFFITI LAMINATES
               Nº de empleados: 522
               Inversión en I+D+i: 2,5 % de la facturación anual  Top products: MAINTENANCE: 1. R7000. 2. PURE ZONE.

                                                                Activities in the year:
                                                                HEXIS has surpassed its own targets by successfully wrapping
               Description:                                     over 500,000 square meters of rolling stock surfaces across
               With 35 years of expertise and a recognised reputation, HE-  Europe for a variety of railway projects. Its wide range of eco-
               XIS Group, as a manufacturer and distributor of self-adhesive   sustainable solutions and products is recognised by key play-
               films, has firmly established itself as a major player in the   ers in the industry, from manufacturers to operators.
               market for visual communication and surface protection. Its
               technologically  advanced  products,  its  culture  of  customi-  In Spain, various wrapping projects have been carried out,
               sation and its ability to innovate and diversify its offer have   both in renovation processes and new construction, meeting
               consolidated its position, convincing demanding sectors such   the quality and safety requirements demanded by manufactur-
               as the automotive industry - in particular, motor sport and its   ers. Among other clients, these have put their trust in HEXIS
               premier league, Formula 1 -, the aeronautical, nautical and   products:
               railway industries.

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