Page 373 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 373
stem for the Jerusalem tramway (JNET). Shift management sy-
stem for the red line of the Tel Aviv light rail (Alstom). SAE-R
AVLS system for Philippine National Railways. CCTV and PA-
Management team: Intercom system for Egyptian National Railways (Talgo). CCTV
General Director: Miguel Ángel Martínez Olagüe. Business system for DSB Denmark (Talgo). On-board systems for CAF
Development Manager: Carlos González Bayod rolling stock in projects in Lisbon Tramways and Egypt Metro. guía de empresas
On-board systems for Alstom rolling stock in Turin Tram.
Activity: Other SAE-R systems for mixed bus-tram environments: cities
Intelligent Transport Systems. Electronics, Engineering and of Gdansk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz and Torun in Poland.
Consulting, Maintenance, Telecommunication.
Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
Main products and services: keted: National and international markets.
Fleet Management Systems (AVLS), On Board Systems: pas-
senger information systems, PA & Intercomm, video-surveil- Certifications:
lance systems. Fare Collection Systems. Systems for security Quality and Environment:
reinforcement, Eco-driving systems, Software for planning and Processes: CMMI Nivel 5.
scheduling of services. Conceived for all railway modes (tram, Quality: UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015.
metro, commuter train, long distance, high speed trains...) Environmental: UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015.
Energy Management: UNE-EN ISO 50001:2018.
Top products: TELECOMMUNICATION: 1. SAE-R® AVLS Sy- Production: CEPE/ONU Nº 10.
stem. 2. On board Systems. Information Security: ISO 27001:2017
Activities: Turnover: 311M Eur
Contract with RENFE for the supply of an on-board communi- No. of employees: +3.000 professionals
cations platform, for the operation of the services, in the entire Share capital: 1.805.000,00 Eur
fleet (more than 1800 trains) R&D investment: 10% of revenues
Contract for the supply of an on-board video surveillance
system for the Barcelona Metro (FMB) in 149 trains. Video
Surveillance System for the Seville Metro. Supply, Installation
and Maintenance of the Passenger Information System for the
Zaragoza Tram system. Supply, Installation and Maintenance
of the Passengers Information System and AVLS in Railway
Services in Mallorca. Renewal of the video surveillance sy-
stem for the Bilbao tram. Supply of on-board systems to CAF,
Alstom and Stadler for new trains for RENFE. Software Deve-
lopment for programming services for Euskal Trenbide Sarea.
Video surveillance and passenger information system for Fer-
rocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana. Contract with Alstom
for the AVLS for Tram Barcelona. New on-board systems for
CAF on SFM trains and tramways in Granada and Zaragoza.
In the international market, supply of an AVLS with passenger
information on stops for Alstom (Sydney tramway). Supply of
224 TVMs for the Santiago Metro (Chile), Supply of on-board
systems for the high-speed train between Meca and Medina
(Haramain project, Talgo). AVLS for 395 trains for the opera-
tor Moroccan railway company ONCF. Contract with Warsaw
Trams for the supply of PIS and AVLS (SAE-R®) systems for a
total of 480 trams. Supply and installation of AVLS for CAF
Signaling, for the new tram line in Kaohsiung (Taiwan).
On-board systems for Talgo in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Contract with CAF for an AVLS and Depot Management Sy-
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 371