Page 371 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 371
Identifica y prioriza los riesgos y oportunidades asociados Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
al cambio climático siguiendo las recomendaciones de Task keted:
Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Spain / Portugal / Ireland / United Kingdom / Norway / Sweden
/ United States / Costa Rica / Chile / Colombia / Singapore /
Ha puesto en marcha el programa “ChainUp” para descarbo- Australia.
nizar su cadena de suministro. guía de empresas
Facturación: 266 M € Quality: ISO 9001:2015
Nº de empleados: Más de 28.000 empleados en 12 países Environment: ISO 14001:2015
Safety and Health at Work: ISO 45001:2018
Public passenger transport: UNE-EN 13816:2003
Operational Railway Safety (Metro de Sevilla)
Management team:
CEO: Javier Pérez Fortea. General Counsel: José Gómez de Sustainability initiatives:
Barreda Tous de Monsalve. Railways Director: Daniel Quin-
tero Martínez. In 2023, 14 Group companies are already carbon neutral.
93% of the Group’s companies have an Integrated Manage-
Activity: ment System certified by AENOR, in accordance with interna-
Transport infrastructure concessions manager and mobility tional standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
operator internationally.
GRESB – Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark 2023:
Main products and services: For the eighth consecutive year, it participates in the GRESB
20 Highways and 7 Railways, high-speed network (iryo) and global Sustainability index, obtaining 93 points out of 100 and
Go-Ahead Group. maintaining its position in the “5-star” asset quadrant.
Top products: OPERATORS: 1. Metro de Sevilla. 2. Barcelona Identifies and prioritizes the risks and opportunities associated
Trams. with climate change following the recommendations of the
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Activities in the year:
2023 has been a year marked by the first anniversary of our Has launched the “ChainUp” program to decarbonize its sup-
acquisition of the Go-Ahead Group and our participation in ply chain.
iryo, as well as the year in which we have added a new coun-
try to our portfolio, Colombia, in accordance with our vision Turnover: €266 M
of international growth. We have also extended the concessi- No. of employees: More than 28,000 employees in 12 coun-
on term for our assets in Chile, Autopista del Itata, and Auto- tries.
pista del Aconcagua; happy to be able to celebrate the trust
placed in us to continue with both projects.
In addition, we are embarking on the exciting project of ma-
king the connected roads of the future a reality with the Neo-
Roads initiative, led by our Openvia team, and positioning
ourselves in the disruptive world of Advanced Air Mobility
with our brand Bluenest by Globalvia.
During 2023, we have also dedicated our efforts to promoting
sustainability, integrating it transversally into our operations,
mitigating our impacts, and leading the transition to trans-
portation infrastructures that become more environmentally
friendly every day and know how to respond to the climate
challenge we face.
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 369