Page 406 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide for mixed traffic (passengers and freight), between Figueras and LUBRITEC, S.A.
Perpignan. The Operations & Maintenance Contract signed on
December 19 2022 between LFP, the Kingdom of Spain and
the French Republic is for a four (4)-year period and an option
for two (2) additional years; it expires on December 19 2028.
LFP is a Spain registered Company and has the quality of
Infrastructure Manager. Given the binational character of the
Contract, the Company has also a permanent establishment in
Management team:
Dirección postal / Postal address:
Chief Executive Officer: Petros Papaghiannakis
Chief Operating Officer: Petros Papaghiannakis Avda. Puig dels Tudons s/n, Talleres 8, Nave 58.
Chief Administration & Finance Officer: María José Barrado Polígono Industrial Santiga.
Ortiz. 08210 Barberá del Valles, Barcelona.
Teléfono: +34 93 719 11 13
Activity: Maintenance, Operators, Others. Email:
Main products and services:
Top products: OPERATORS: 1. International section of rail Equipo directivo: Gerente: Jordi Garriga. Director
traffic between Spain and France. 2. The International Section Comercial: Joan Sentís. Director técnico: Pere Guasch.
for rolling stock testing and loading/unloading. 3. Locomotive
maintenance in Workshop. Actividad: Lubricantes para maquinaria industrial,
transporte terrestre y marítimo, mantenimiento de
Activities in the year: infraestructuras ferroviarias. Lubricantes para trenes, vías,
The International Section offers significant travel times reductions railes y cambios de agujas. Servicios de organización
between Spain and France, while offering a permanent solution de la lubricación, formación, mantenimiento preventivo
to previous travel disruptions on the existing conventional railway y predictivo. Sistemas centralizados de engrase para
networks of the two countries. To date, it is the best solution for maquinaria y para railes.
trains’ passing between the two countries from both economical
and operational points of view. Having a capacity of more Principales productos y servicios:
than 100 trains per day, the alignment has been designed for a Desde 1983, LUBRITEC comercializa lubricantes para la
350 km/h operation speed for passengers’ trains and 120 km/h industria y el transporte, ofreciendo un soporte técnico
operation speed for freight trains. The line is mixed traffic, allowing y personalizado a cada uno de nuestros clientes. Somos
the simultaneous traffic and crossing of high-speed trains travelling distribuidores oficiales de marcas de alto reconocimiento
at 300 km/h, regional trains travelling between 160 and 250 km/h y valor técnico, con homologaciones de los principales
and freight trains travelling at 100 km/h with no restrictions. fabricantes de equipos.
Freight trains up to 750 m are authorized, and even up to 850 m if Disponemos de un amplio stock en unas modernas
necessary while the maximum authorized axle load is 22,5 t/axle. instalaciones y un servicio logístico que facilita la agilidad
en las entregas a cualquier punto de España.
Quality and Environment: In addition to a Safety Authorisation Productos estrella: MANTENIMIENTO: 1. SHELL
provided by the National Safety Authorities, AESF in Spain and PANOLIN HLP SYNTH. 2. SHELL PANOLIN EP GEAR
EPSF in France, LFP implements an Integrated Management SYNTH. 3. SHELL PANOLIN BIOFLUID SBH-N. 4. SHELL
System (IMS). The system responds to all relevant standards’ PANOLIN BIOGREASE EP 2.
requirements: ISO 9001 version 2008, ISO 14 001 version
2004, ISO 45001 version 2018, in addition to the railway Actividades en el año: Lubricación, con aceites
safety management system. The IMS enables the Infrastructure biodegradables de alto rendimiento SHELL PANOLIN,
Manager to optimize the processes to improve the fulfilment of de máquinas de construcción y mantenimiento de
all legal and contractual obligations. infraestructuras ferroviarias: mecanismos como cajas de
cepillo, transmisión, ejes, unidad TDS, banco de bateadores,
No. of employees: 97
404 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook