Page 403 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 403
in 2020; and in the rail market with the acquisition of - Connection of the Madrid-Barcelona and Madrid-
the track erection company DSV Empresa Constructora y Levante high-speed lines. Construction of a direct branch
Ferroviaria and Balzola Polska in 2022. line linking the Madrid-Barcelona and Madrid-Levante
One of the differential characteristics of Lantania is its high-speed lines in Madrid, which will enable direct
ability to execute any kind of rail project in an integral connections between the north-east and the north and
way. The company has built more than 150 km of north-west of the peninsula. guía de empresas
infrastructure, tunnels and railway viaducts, as well as - Construction works on the platform construction project.
more than 50 traction power substations and more than Palencia-Aguilar de Campoo high-speed railway line.
1,000 km of overhead line. Section: Palencia - Palencia Norte.
- Execution of the works for the construction project of
Main products and services: the access to Terminal T4 of Madrid-Barajas Adolfo Suárez
Construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure airport in standard UIC gauge.
projects (platform, viaducts, tunnels...), track erection, rail - Execution of bridge repair projects on the Madrid-
electrification (traction power substations, transformation Barcelona line, Vilanova-Sitges section: bridge over the
centers and overhead line) and auxiliary systems. Riera de Cañellas stream, km 640+674 and bridge over
the Torrente de Piera, km 636+562.
Top products: ELECTRIFICATION: 1. Railway - Execution of the works for the project to repair the bridge
electrification projects. INFRAESTRUCTURE: 2. Balzola over the River Arlanzón I on the Madrid-Hendaye line,
Polska. MAINTENANCE: 3. DSV Construction and Quintana del Puente - Villodrigo section.
Railway Company. TRACK: 4. Manufacture of prestressed - Execution of the construction project for the extension
and reinforced concrete railway sleepers. of track 2 at the southern end of Vic station on the line
from Tour de Carol-Enveigt to the Montcada junction
Activities in the year: (Barcelona).
Infraestructure: - Works for the execution of the project to stabilise
- Modernization of the Plovdiv-Skutare and Plovdiv- the earthworks between km. 128+301 and 129+000.
Krumovo railway lines and the Plovdiv railway Castejón de Ebro - Bilbao line.
junction. Renovation of distribution stations, design and - Enlargement of track 3 at Orduña station (Vizcaya).
construction of the platform, track systems, catenary, and
signaling and telecommunications systems. Building construction:
- Modernisation of the Voliujak-Petarch railway section - Remodeling and adaptation of the Mérida and Badajoz
in Bulgaria. The works will involve the modernisation train stations. Comprehensive reform of accesses and
of 12 km of track between Voluyak and Petarch to passenger buildings with the aim of providing them with
adapt the speed of trains to 160 km/h, which requires all the necessary services required for the high-speed
the construction of new layouts with civil works for the corridor.
platform and structures, the renovation of the railway - Construction of the new Albal (Valencia) train station.
track and the traction and catenary system. Renovation Construction of two buildings, located at the head of both
of the station in the town of Kostinbrod, renovation and platforms of 423 m2 each, with access control on both
construction of pedestrian underpasses and a bus stop. sides and communicated by an underpass.
- Typsa. Supply of sleepers for the maintenance of the - Accessibility improvement works at the Ramón y Cajal
northeast area of the General Interest Railway Network commuter train station in Madrid.
(RFIG), for access to the new Barcelona Airport terminal, - Works on the construction project to improve
adaptation of Can Tunis station (Barcelona), section of accessibility at Navalperal de Pinares station (Ávila).
Calafell-Gavá and others of Barcelona-Tarragona-France - Works on the construction project to improve
line, Cercanías de Barcelona between Parets del Vallés accessibility between platforms at Valdepeñas station
and La Garriga, maintenance of Metro Bilbao, renovation (Ciudad Real).
of turnouts and level crossings for Ferrocarrils de la - Renovation project for the mechanical equipment
Generalitat Valenciana FGV, the complete renovation of operations rest module in the tunnels of the Algeciras
the Gijón-Laviana (Asturias) and Torralba-Soria (Soria), Maritime Station.
and the renovation of the sections Plasencia del Monte-
Ayerbe, Ayerbe-Calderarenas and Jaca-Canfranc of Electrification:
Huesca-Canfranc line (Huesca). - Electrification of the Madrid-Extremadura high-speed
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 401