Page 313 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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In Portugal, COMSA and its subsidiary in the Portuguese Certification to ISO 50001 for energy management.
country FERGRUPO continue to make progress on Certification to ISO 14064 for the quantification of
the renovation of the Beira Alta line, Pampilhosa - greenhouse gases in all its activities in Spain.
Santa Comba Dão section, and the construction of the
Mealhada bypass, both of which are part of the Northern The company also has projects under LEED (Leadership in
International Corridor. The contract for the modernisation Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building guía de empresas
of the track and catenary on the Cascais line and the Research Establishment Environmental Assessment
electrification of the Algarve railway line have also been Method) certifications and has been recognized in
awarded. sustainability indices such as the Carbon Disclosure
Project (CDP).
America: During the past year, COMSA Corporación
also strengthened its railway business in Latin America. R&D&i: Certification to the R&D&i Management System
In 2022, the company expanded its contract portfolio in covering all the activities in which it carries out its activity.
Mexico with the award of the track renewal works for the ISO 19650 for organisation and digitisation of information
Ferrocarril Istmo de Tehuantepec (FIT) railway through in building and civil engineering works using BIM.
Oaxaca, among other projects. In Brazil, it brought into
service the extension of the second phase of line 4 of the ORP: Certification to ISO 45000 regarding the
São Paulo Metro. occupational health and safety management system.
Innovations: Turnover: 886 million Euros.
In 2022 COMSA Corporación invested more than 8.5
million euros in R&D&I activities. Among the most No. of employees: 5,451 people.
outstanding projects in which the group is participating
is 5GMed, where COMSA is part of the consortium of
companies that is carrying out the deployment of 5G
technology to guarantee the connectivity of the Spanish
and southern French rail network. It is also worth
mentioning its presence in the Safe4RAIL-3 programme,
which is working on the development of technologies and
devices for the next generation of the Train Control and
Monitoring System (TCMS).
Finally, as a member of the European Smart Green Rail
(eSGR) consortium, the company participates in 4 of the Calle Agustín de Foxá, 26 bis
6 projects funded by the first call published by Europe’s E-28036 Madrid. España
Rail Joint Undertaking, an EU initiative that succeeds Tel.: +34 91 575 46 16
Shift2Rail and of which it is a founding partner. These Fax: +34 91 575 96 70
projects are R2DATO, IAM4RAIL, Rail4EARTH and
Geographic areas where your products and services
are marketed: Brazil, Croatia, Denmark, Italy, Mexico, Equipo directivo:
Portugal, Spain and Sweden. Presidente: Julián García Valverde.
Director General: Antonio Vílchez.
Certifications: Director de Asistencias Técnicas: Raúl Sánchez
Quality: Certification to ISO 9001, covering all the Director de Transportes: Daniel Esteban
activities in which it carries out its activity, including the Director de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias: Eduardo Laureano
maintenance of high-speed track and switch gear. Country Manager (Chile): Omar Sáez
Country Manager (Uganda): Paul Power
Environmental management: Certification to ISO 14001, Country Manager (Arabia): Javier Cruz
issued and covering all activities in which it operates. Country Manager (México): Daniel Esteban
Directora de Proyectos Especiales: Susana Menéndez del Valle
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 311