Page 237 - Anuario FFCC - 2022
P. 237

- Tranvía Newcastle.                              Main products and services:
               - Tranvía Amsterdams.                             ACTIA offers an extensive set of on-board applications, both at
               - Metro Bruselas.                                 HW and SW levels. The ACTIA group develops, manufactures
               - Proyecto RERng                                  and maintains technological solutions customized to the needs
               - Tranvía de Lijn                                 of the railway sector, such as systems or platforms of:
               - Tranvía de Vitoria                                                                              guía de empresas
               - Tranvía de Mauritius                            Traveler Information.
               - Metro Amsterdam                                 Collective entertainment and / or on demand.
               - Tranvía Lund                                    Video surveillance.
               - Tranvía Atenas                                  Retrovision system.
               - Tranvia Frankfurt                               Train-ground communications.
               - Tranvia Oslo                                    Power Converters.
               - Proyecto SISVE RATP
               - Metro Barcelona                                 ACTIA products are developed to meet the standards and
               - Tranvía Birmingham                              specifications of the rail sector.
               - Tranvía Lieja
               - Tranvía Parramatta                              Traveler Information Systems.  The traveler information
               - Tranvía Lieja                                   systems (PIS PAS PA) offer solutions and modulable and scalable
               - Tranvía Birmingham                              architectures, adapting these to the type of train and the needs
               - Egipto.                                         of commercial exploitation. Some of the most representative
               - Tranvía Jerusalem                               teams in this area are:
               - Tranvía Angers
               - MF19                                            - Public address system: Developed to comply with the
               - Tranvía Casablanca                              Ethernet communication standards, scalable, to make them
               - CPTM L8 & L9                                    compatible with the service needs and train architecture.
               - Tren Maya                                       Being able to mount up to four individual amplifiers, different
               - Renfe Gran Capacidad                            communication buses “ETHERNET-RS485-CAN-IBIS-MVB” and /
               - Sídney Ampliación                               or mode 4G / LTE with support for SIM, for communications
                                                                 with telephony networks.
               Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos   - LED Displays: Development and manufacture of front, side
               y servicios: El grupo ACTIA tiene una presencia global, con   and interior displays, with customized solutions at a mechanical
               delegaciones  y sedes permanentes del  grupo  en:  Alemania,   level, making this compatible with the interior design of the train
               Brasil, China, España, Francia, Holanda, India, Italia, México,   and developing specific matrices to meet client requirements
               Polonia, Reino Unido, República Checa, Suecia, Túnez, USA.  (resolution or type of LEDs “Mono color , RGB, White).
                                                                 -  TFT  Monitors: Development and manufacture of  TFT
               Certificaciones: Calidad y Medio Ambiente: ISO 9001:2015.  monitors with sizes ranging from 8 “to 55” in format (4: 3, 16:
                                                                 9, Super Wide) and different resolutions (1,024 * 768, 1,920 *
               Facturación: (Grupo ACTIA) 476,5 millones de euros.  1,080, 3,840 * 2.160). Where are integrated traveler information
               Inversión en I+D: (Grupo ACTIA) 15% de la cifra de negocio.  services, entertainment services, advertising services.
                                                                 - Room / Emergency intercoms:  Development  and
                                                                 manufacture of IP voice intercoms, with / without Daisy chain,
                                                                 with / without pushbutton, with / without PoE power. Anti
               Management team:                                  vandalism design.
               President: Damián Redondo. Manager Director: Jesús Corrales.   - Voice-over position:  Rugerized, anti-vandalism, with
               Deputy of the Manager Director: Sylvain Leon. Railway Division   configurable buttons
               Manager: Javier Bravo. Quality Manager: Aida Testillano   - IHM: Development and manufacture of IHM with touch
                                                                 screen (capacitive) of different sizes (9 “, 10.4” and 15.4 “).

               Activity: Engineering and development of Hardware   Collective entertainment and / or on demand. The ACTIA
               and Software Systems Electronics, Power Electronics and   entertainment systems offer solutions both collectively and
               Telecommunications. Manufacturing and maintenance of   individually. The collective entertainment gives the unit a set
               developed systems.                                of solutions that allow programming common contents for all
                                                                 train users. Entertainment on demand allows each client /

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