Page 69 - Revista Vía Libre Nº 649 - Marzo 2020
P. 69

                                                                                                            Rail Live
                                                                           • Quito Metro
            TYPSA                                                          • Sao Paulo Metro Lines 5 and 6
                                                                           •  Stockholm  Metro  extension  from
            Over 50 years desig-                                            Kungsträdgården to Nacka and Gull-
            ning railways, me-                                              marsplan.
            tros and tramways                                              • Doha Metro Red and Green Lines
                  After 50 years                                           •  Lima Metro Line 2 and Line 4 branch
            working in the field,                                           to the airport.
            TYPSA is recognized                                            • Abu Dhabi Light Rail Transit Network.
            as a rail engineering                                          • Astana light rail network.
            authority and the                                              •  The new underground metro in Dacca,
            partner of choice for a large number of multinational com-      Bangladesh
            panies to work in complex projects around the world.    Wide experience in high speed rail and conven-
                  Metropolitan  transport: TYPSA has conside-  tional railways
            rable experience in this field, not only in metros but   TYPSA took part in the first HS Line in Spain
            also in light metro, tramways and commuter rail lines,   from Madrid - Seville, and then helped build most of the
            and is a leader in design and works supervision.    TYP-  country’s national network lines. TYPSA has also worked
            SA has contributed to more than 500 km of metro lines   on major international projects, such as Madrid - Lisbon
            including 490 stations, and more than 450 km of LRT   HSL, Los Angeles - Las Vegas or Sao Paulo - Rio de Ja-
            or tramway lines with 324 stops, located in different   neiro. Currently, TYPSA is involved in the design of hi-
            countries.                                        gh-speed networks in Sweden and the United Kingdom.
                  Participation in major international projects:    TYPSA has an excellent team of highly specialised
                  •  Riyadh Metro, the biggest metro network under   professionals, working in every discipline of a railway en-
                    construction today, where TYPSA is the desig-  gineering project, and is constantly evolving to implement
                    ner in the consortium in charge of implementing   the latest technical innovations and acquire new skills.
                    package 3, lines 4, 5 & 6.                      
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