Page 554 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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key players  Valenzuela, Hélène     Other positions:                de infraestructuras ferroviarias (2007 – 2009)
                                                                               y técnico de infraestructura (2009 – 2012).
                                               Counselor of the Lyon School of Engineering,
                                               École Centrale de Lyon.
                                                                               (2001 – 2004) INECO – Ingeniero de Proyec-
               General Manager of OUIGO Spain
                                               Conseiller du commerce extérieur de la Fran-
                                                                               tos Ferroviarios. Director de obra de montaje
                                               ce (CCEF).
                                                                               de vía.
                                                                               Sector privado:
               Date of birth: 29/12/1969.
                                               Member of the Advisory Board of Euroports
                                                                               (2000 – 2001) Oficina técnica y control de
               Educational background:
                                                                               TECO). Subtramo VA. Línea Alta Velocidad
                                               of Commerce and Industry, CCI France Es-
               Graduate in Business  Administration and
               Management from the Paris School of Com-  Counselor of the French-Spanish Chamber   obras – Ingeniero oficina técnica ACO (OFI-
               merce with a Master’s Degree in Financial
               Management.                                                     Otros cargos:
                                                                               Desde noviembre 2020 ostenta el cargo de
               Career path:                                                    presidente de AETOS (Asociación Española
               Hélène  Valenzuela, General Manager at                          de Túneles y Obras Subterráneas).
               OUIGO Spain, has more than 25 years of               V
               experience in the European railway sector                                Dirección postal:
               in high-speed networks, and has held se-                               Sor Ángela de la Cruz, 3
               nior positions in international companies                              E-28020 Madrid. España
               such as SNCF, Thalys, Eurostar or ELIPSOS,                             Tel.: +34 91 243 23 43
               among others, in charge of international                         
               projects and divisions in various European   Villanueva Beltramini,
               countries.                      Juan Pablo
               With a Master’s degree in Financial Ma-  Director general de Adif Alta
               nagement from ESCP Europe,  Valenzue-  Velocidad y director general de
               la’s career has always been linked to the   Construcción de Adif
               railway. From managing small business
               units of railway companies, to leading the   Formación académica:
               development project for high-speed rail   Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Progra-
               transport between France and Spain, pro-  ma especialista en Función Pública (2013).
               moted  by  Renfe  and  SNCF,  or  becoming   ESADE. Programas de desarrollo directivo
               part of the executive committee of SNCF   (2008 – 2009).
               Réseau in 2018 as operations manager for   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Especia-
               the south-east area, where she was respon-  lización en Economía del Transporte (2001
               sible for a whole production area of more   – 2002).
               than 11,000 people.             Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Escuela
               Her international experience also includes   Técnica Superior de ICCP. Ingeniero de Ca-
               her work as Operations Director at Thalys,   minos, Canales y Puertos (1991 – 1999).
               a railway company in charge of managing
               high-speed  services  that link France,  Bel-  Trayectoria profesional:
               gium, the Netherlands and Germany.  Sector público:
               Hélène is currently working as General   (2018 – actualidad) Adif Alta Velocidad – di-
               Manager at OUIGO Spain, a Spanish sub-  rector general y director general de Cons-
               sidiary of the French group SNCF  Voya-  trucción Adif.
               geurs. OUIGO is the low-fare high-speed   (2017 – 2018) Adif Alta Velocidad – director
               train operator that began operating in Spain   de Construcción I.
               on May 2021, aiming to make high-speed   (2016 – 2017) Adif – subdirector de Cons-
               accessible to everyone and everyone’s bu-  trucción (LAV Madrid – Galicia).
               dget. Since its inception, the company has   (2012 – 2017) Adif – Gerente de Área de Vi-
               transported more than10 million travellers,   larousa del Conso – Taboadela (2012 – 2013)
               demonstrating the success of affordable   de Campobecerros – Ourense (2013 – 2014)
               high-speed in Spain and OUIGO’s business   y Construcción VI (2014 – 2017).
               model in the country.           (2004 – 2012) Adif – Director de Obra, obras

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