Page 549 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 549
Dirección postal / Postal address:
Avda. Partenón, 10
(Campo de las Naciones) Ruiz Piñeiro, Víctor
E-28042 Madrid. España CMO at Rail at ArcelorMittal
Tel.: +34 91 524 55 00 R Date of birth: 1967, Madrid. protagonistas
Educational background: MEng in Industrial
Engineering from the Universidad Politécni-
Rodríguez Dapena, ca de Madrid ETSIIM as well as an MBA at
Álvaro Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.
President of Puertos del Estado Ruiz Piñeiro, Víctor
Director Comercial Marketing Carril Career path: He began his professional ca-
Date and place of birth: 1963, Cartagena. y Secciones Especiales reer at Andersen Consulting, ending up at
Banco de Santander. In 1999 he joined Ace-
Academic background: Fecha de nacimiento: 1967, Madrid. ralia in charge of Business Development and
Álvaro Rodríguez Dapena holds a Ph.D. in Acquisitions. After the creation of Arcelor, he
Civil Engineering, specializing in Transport, Formación académica: Ingeniero Técnico assumed the General Secretariat of the Long
from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Superior Industrial, ETSIIM, Universidad Po- Sector in Luxembourg and the management
His doctoral thesis was awarded the Extra- litécnica de Madrid y MBA en ICADE. of the High Carbon Wire Plants. Currently,
ordinary Prize. working as CMO at Rail at ArcelorMittal.
Trayectoria profesional: Comenzó su anda-
Career path: dura profesional en Andersen Consulting, Other positions: Mafex president since
He has been working in Puertos del Estado recalando luego en Banco de Santander. En 2006.
since 1997 where he has held various posi- 1999 entró en Aceralia a cargo de Desarrollo
tions: Deputy Director of External Relations, de Negocio y Adquisiciones. Tras la creación
Head of the Intermodality and Logistics Area, de Arcelor asumió la Secretaría General del
Head of the Development and Regulations Sector Largos en Luxemburgo y la dirección
Department and from 2007 until his appoint- de las Trefilerías de Alto Carbono. Actual-
ment as President of Puertos del Estado in mente desempeña la Dirección Comercial S
December 2021, he has been Director of de Carril en ArcelorMittal.
Planning and Development. Previously, he
has been in charge of transport studies and Otros cargos: Presidente de Mafex desde el
projects in the consulting firm TEMA. 2006.
He is currently Chairman of the Madrid-Cos-
lada Dry Port and a member of the Boards Dirección postal/ postal address: San Juan Merinero,
of Directors of Sasemar and Renfe Mercan- Calle, P.E. Ibarrabarri. Susana
cías. He was also Chairman of the company C/ Iturriondo 18 – Edificio A-1, 1ºC. Directora de Comunicación y
Conte-rail between 2008 and 2013 and a 48940 Leioa (Bizkaia) Reputación Corporativa de Adif
member of the Boards of Directors of the Port Tel.: + 34 944 70 65 04
Authorities of Bahía de Algeciras, Cartagena, Email: Formación académica:
and Marín, and Ría de Pontevedra. Web: Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad
He is a member of many national and in- Web: del País Vasco. Máster en Información Eco-
ternational committees and is the author of nómica por la Universidad Complutense de
articles and books on trade, logistics, and ArcelorMittal - Apartado 570 Madrid y APIE. PPD, IESE Business School.
transport. Edificio Energías 2ª Planta
E-33200 Gijón. España Trayectoria profesional:
Teléfono: +34 985 18 77 50 Sector privado:
Fax: +34 985 18 75 43 (2018-2021) Iberdrola – Directora de Comu- nicación (2013-2018) Kreab Partner - Head Área Co-
municación Corporativa
(2010-2013) Gamesa - Directora de Comu-
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 547