Page 502 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 502

company guide  losa; High Speed Railway Line Madrid - Valladolid: Section:   tracks and catenary in the Atocha – Recoletos – Chamartín

                 Tres Cantos – Colmenar Viejo / Guadarrama tunnels sections
                                                                   tunnel / Track renewal. Section: Plasencia del Monte – Ay-
                                                                   erbe / Infrastructure improvement works Monforte – Orense
                 3 and 4 / Track assembly Section: Segovia - Fuente de la Cruz;
                                                                   Line. Sections: 009+059 -019+798 and 036+524 – 046+229 /
                 High Speed Railway Line North - Northwest Corridor: Sec-
                 tion: Ponte Ambia – Taboadela (Orense) / Section: Prado -
                                                                   Track duplication. Section: Astillero – Orejo.
                 Porto (Orense) / Track assembly Section: Olmedo - Pedralba
                                                                   OTHER RAILWAY AUTHORITIES:
                 de la Pradería; High Speed Railway Line Valladolid – Burgos
                 - Vitoria: Section: Valladolid - Burgos and Venta de Baños
                 - Palencia, subsection: Venta de Baños junction (Palencia) /
                 Track assembly Section: Quintana del Puente – Estépar; High
                                                                   in Lasarte-Hendaya Line /  /  Vitoria Tram System. Section:
                 Speed Railway Line Valladolid – Venta de Baños – Palencia
                                                                   Abetxuko. 2nd Phase / Works to execute track superestructure
                                                                   construction Project for Bilbao metro line 3. Section 2; GISA:
                 – León: Section: South access to Palencia / Track assembly   ETS: Infrastructure and trackwork for Loiola-Herrera section
                 Section: Villada – León; High Speed Railway Line Vitoria –   Metro de Barcelona: Track and catenary works of the new L9
                 Bilbao - San Sebastián: Section: Durango – Amorebieta - Etxa-  of Metro de Barcelona, Section: Terminal South to Ensanche
                 no (Vizcaya); High Speed Atlantic Railway Line: Section: As   Norte; Metro de Barcelona: Track renewal in line 5. Section:
                 Maceiras - Redondela (Pontevedra) / Track assembly Section:   Sagrera – Horta / Track renewal in line 4. Section: Barceloneta
                 Vigo Urzaiz - Soutomaior (Pontevedra); High Speed Railway   – Verdaguer / Track renewal in line 5. Section: Ernest Lluch -
                 Line Antequera - Granada: Section: Bobadilla Junction – An-  Cornellá; Metro de Madrid: Trackworks on line 12. Section 1:
                 tequera / Track assembly Section: Antequera – Loja / Ante-  Los Espartales - San Nicasio / Track maintenance. Section 1:
                 quera High Speed station; High Speed Railway Line Madrid   Sacedal / Track renewal in line 8. Section: Colombia – Pinar
                 – Extremadura. Track assembly Section: Plasencia – Cáceres /   del Rey / Track renewal in line 5. Section: Callao – Ópera.
                 Track renewal. Section: Monfragüe – Plasencia / Track assem-
                 bly Section: Mérida By-pass; High Speed Railway Line Madrid   CONVENTIONAL LINES MAINTENANCE:
                 – Sevilla: Infrastructure improvement works. Section B: Yeles –
                 Guadalmez / Remodelling of tracks at the Puertollano station;   ADIF: Railway, infrastructure and corrective interventions
                 Extension and remodelling of the high-speed railway tracks   treatment  plan,  in  lines  with  iberian  track  gauge  Period:
                 and the passenger building at Chamartín station.  01/01/2012 - 31/12/2017  Sections A3  GM Madrid-Sur, C3
                                                                   GM Valladolid and B2 GM Tarragona / Railway, infrastruc-
                 MAINTENANCE OF HIGH SPEED RAILWAY SYSTEMS:        ture and corrective interventions treatment plan, in lines with
                                                                   iberian track gauge (MIV) Period: 01/01/2018 - 31/08/2021
                 High Speed Railway Line Madrid - Sevilla: Section: Madrid   Sections: 1 - Centro, 3 - Norte and 4 – Noreste / Railway,
                 – Adamuz; High Speed Railway Line Madrid - Barcelona -   infrastructure and corrective interventions treatment plan,
                 French Border: Section: Madrid – Zaragoza High Speed Rail-  in lines with iberian track gauge (MIV) Period: 01/09/2021 -
                 way Line Madrid - Toledo: Section: La Sagra - Toledo; High   31/08/2023 Sections: 5 - Centro and 2 – Norte.
                 Speed Railway Line Madrid - Valladolid: Sections: Madrid
                 – Valladolid and Olmedo – Medina del Campo; High Speed   INTERNATIONAL:
                 Railway Line Madrid – Castilla la Mancha - Levante - Murcia:
                 Sections: Madrid – Valencia and Gabaldón – Albacete – Ali-  POLAND: Line 1: Modernisation of railway line L1 Section:
                 cante - Murcia; High Speed Railway Line Madrid - Galicia:   Koluszki – Czestochowa / Line E30: Section: Krzeszowice-Kra-
                 Section: Olmedo – Pedralba de la Pradería.        kow Mydlniki / Line E20/CE20 Modernisation of railway line
                                                                   Siedlce, Lukow and Medzyrecz / Line 226: Construction pro-
                 CONVENTIONAL LINES:                               ject for the improvement of the railway access to the Gdansk
                                                                   port / Line 8: Modernisation of Line 8. Section: Warszawa Ok-
                 ADIF:  Section: Castellbisbal/Papiol to  Mollet San  Fost Ad-  cie – Radom (LOT A, B, F) / Line 131: Project and Works: Mo-
                 aptation of Iberian Gauqe to International Gauge for both   dernisation of Line 131. Section: Bydgoszcz-Chorzòw Batory
                 traffics / Track renewal, instalation phase. Section: Villar de   / Line 311: Modernisation of railway line 311. Section: Jelenia
                 Chinchilla-Alpera-Almansa. Madrid-Alicante Line / Mediter-  Góra - Szklarska Poreba Górna.
                 ranean Corridor. Section: Castellbisbal - Murcia. Subsections:   USA: Dulles Corridor. Phase 2 Lot B / Workshops and garages.
                 Sant Vicenç de Calders – Tarragona – Nudo de Vilaseca and   Station of Wachusett and depot facilities located in Westmin-
                 Fuente de San Luis - Almussafes / Remodelling of tracks and   ster - Massachusetts.
                 platforms at the Chamartín station (Madrid) / Remodelling of   CANADÁ: Parking base Lincolnville / Installation of 12.5 km

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