Page 431 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 431

Certificaciones:                                 Top products: ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 1. Con-
               Además de estar en posesión de certificados en Calidad y Me-  former to put together the SJ AB car body units. 2. Complete
               dio Ambiente, Metrica se ha certificado en UNE-EN 15085-2   interior design for the SJ AB unit.
               para el soldeo de vehículos y componentes ferroviarios. Me-
               trica cuenta con la certificación del responsable del departa-  Activities in the year:
               mento de Interiorismo en Uniones adhesivas de vehículos y   Outstanding collaboration in the development of rail projects:  guía de empresas
               componentes ferroviarios según DIN 6701.
               ISO 9001:2015                                    Car  body: VRR CP6 Germany,  Renfe  CN5,  SJ AB  Sweden,
               ISO 14001:2015                                   LNER, Montpellier Tram, NS Double Deck, VRR.
               UNE-EN 15085-2:2007, nivel CL4                   Interior design: SJ AB Sweden, RENFE CN5, Auckland, Han-
                                                                nover Cabin.
               Facturación: 2.500.000,00 euros                  Mechanical installations: Auckland New Zealand, VRR Ger-
               Nº de empleados: 50                              many, Renfe CN5.
                                                                Tooling and Production: Design of preliminary tools and final
                                                                frame assembly tools, as well as the complete car body assem-
                                                                bly tools for LRVs units of ESSEN, Hannover carbody assembly
               Management team: José Manuel Gracia Gracia and Eliseo Vi-  tools, Boston carbody assembly tools.
               taller Mainar.                                   Refurbishment: Car body production tools for the Cairo Metro.
                                                                Production fixtures for the Athens Metro.
               Metrica is a mechanical engineering company specialized in   Innovations:
               the design and development of railway vehicles since 2004.    Close collaboration with CAF for the development of the box
               We work actively with our customers in the engineering of   structure of the new double-deck NSDD units for the Dutch
               any part of their rail vehicles, from the mechanical installa-  operator Nederlandse Spoorwegen.
               tions, interior design and car body, including the means of
               production for the industrialization of car bodies. We carry   Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
               out all kinds of railway projects, from trams, metropolitan un-  keted: National –Spain– and international expansion.
               dergrounds, suburbans, monorails, cable cars, regional trains
               and high speed trains to transcontinental vehicles.  Certifications:
                                                                In addition to being certified in Quality and Environment, Me-
               Main products and services:                      trica has been certified in UNE-EN 15085-2 for welding of
               Basic engineering, detailed engineering, drawings, documen-  railway vehicles and components. Metrica’s head of the Inte-
               tation and mechanical calculations.              riors department is certified in Adhesive bonding of vehicles
               Complete Car body engineering considering UNE-EN 15085-  and railway components according to DIN 6701.
               2:2007 CL4                                       ISO 9001:2015
               MEF mechanical calculations: static, fatigue, instability   ISO 14001:2015
               and modal analysis according to EN 12663-1/2:2011 stan-  UNE-EN 15085-2:2007, CL4 level
               dards, weld analysis according to DVS-1608 and DVS-1612,
               crash analysis according to EN 15227:2008. Calculation of   Turnover: 2,500,000.00 Euros
               prestressed bolted joints and riveted bolted joints according   No. of employees: 50
               to VDI-2230. Supports calculation according to EN 12663-
               1/2:201, etc.
               Front and end car engineering that includes: cabin, cell resi-
               stant, fairings, accessories and supports.
               Comprehensive design of the interior of the vehicle for the
               passenger saloon and the driver’s cabin.
               Mechanical design of electrical cabinets, equipment boxes
               and battery boxes.
               Complete production lines to industrialize car bodies.
               Railway vehicles refurbishment.

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