Page 427 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 427

Finally, Mafex carries out an intense work in communication   players in the railway industry to cooperate closely in anti-
               and marketing to promote the sector and its members both   cipating training needs and improving dialogue between the
               at national and international level, as well as to present and   education sector and the labour market, and in which Mafex
               represent in different forums of interest for the rail sector.  collaborates with the main entities and manufacturers in the
                                                                sector at European level. Mafex also participates in the pro-
               Top services: BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: 1. Participation in   jects S-ACCESS, TCRINI2 and ADAPT-IA which aims to boost   guía de empresas
               international exhibitions and congresses. 2. R&D Projects Of-  technological developments in the railway sector.
               fice. 3. Forums and Working groups.
                                                                In the area of communication, Mafex Magazine has conso-
               Activities in the year:                          lidated itself as an international dissemination channel and
               During 2023 MAFEX undertook different activities.   increased the participation of associated companies, sharing
                                                                news and preparing special “In depth” overviews on current
               Throughout 2023 and despite the restrictions on mobility   issues. In addition, reports and sector announcements were
               caused by the impact of Covid-19, Mafex has carried out va-  issued, as well as our own internal communications and mar-
               ried activities in its areas of action (internationalisation, in-  keting actions were taken through different channels (press,
               novation and competitiveness, public affairs and communi-  social media, etc.).
               cation). It is remarkable the organization of the third edition
               of Rail Live! Congress and Exhibition, which is the professio-  No. of members:
               nal forum/meeting point for the railway sector. Rail Live also   Associates: 111 members (31.12.2023)
               counted on the active support of Adif, Renfe, Icex Spain Export   Currently: 117 members
               and Investments, the Spanish Railways Foundation, the Spa-
               nish Railway Technology Platform, the Community of Madrid,   Exportation: In 2023, MAFEX´s members exported more than
               Madrid City Council and Metro Madrid. On this occasion, de-  5,3 billion Euros, with their turnover exceeding 7,9 billion Eu-
               spite going virtual, more than 5,500 visitors, 300 speakers and   ros, and a workforce of over 33,000 employees (figures only
               more than 250 exhibitors were connected in the virtual area   referred to the rail sector).
               set up for the exhibition.

               In addition, other international promotion actions were orga-
               nized thanks to more than 7 sectorial meetings and attendance
               to two exhibitions and congresses, covering in total contacts
               from  over 10 different  countries,  and  with the  presence  of
               around 38 companies. Some of these countries were: France,
               Germany and Sweden.
               In addition to our sectorial knowledge, we have our own me-
               thodologies for market and technology analysis. Through an
               organized and selective process of gathering external informa-
               tion and information from the Association itself, we provide   MASATS, S.A.
               value-added strategic intelligence and support to our member
               companies in the search for opportunities, as well as in ma-   Polig. Ind. Salelles
               king decisions related to their geographic markets.            Mestre Alapont s/n
                                                                  E-08253 San Salvador de Guardiola. Barcelona. España
               Mafex launched the past year the sectorial forums with the    Tel.: +34 93 835 29 00
               aim of serving as a key mechanism of sectoral dynamization,
               and that are emerging as a meeting place between the orga-
               nisations that make up the value chain of the railway sector.   Equipo directivo:
               On this occasion it has been focused on international markets   Gerente: Ignacio Elburgo. Responsable de I + D Railway: Polis
               and, in particular, in France.                   Karatzas. Responsable Business development Sector Ferro-
                                                                carril & PSD: Jonathan Fenoy. Responsable de Sistemas: Joan
               In the area of innovation, Mafex is currently collaborating   Enrich. Responsable de Calidad: Josep Soler. Responsable de
               in 4 projects, 2 of which are European in scope. It is worth   Compras: Anna Pietraszkiewicz.
               highlighting the STAFFER project which brings together key

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