Page 310 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide Sodré stops. Additionally, they continue with the renovation ISO 14064 for the quantification of greenhouse gases in all its
activities in Spain.
works of the Beira Alta line, Pampilhosa - Santa Comba Dão
section, and the construction of the Mealhada variant.
The company also has projects under LEED (Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building
America: During the past fiscal year, COMSA Corporación’s
Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method)
subsidiary, GMF, strengthened its railway business in Latin
America. By the end of 2023, the company was awarded the
certifications and has been recognised in sustainability indices
such as the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
comprehensive maintenance contract for Line 2 of the Lima
and Callao Metro, expanding its contract portfolio to Peru.
In Mexico, the group is also working on the rehabilitation of
tracks and systems for Line 1 of the Mexico City Metro, as
UNE 166002 covering all the activities in which it carries out
well as the construction of sections 5.2 and 5.3 of the Tren R&D&i: Certification to the R&D&i Management System by
its activity. ISO 19650-1/2 for organisation and digitisation of
Maya. information in building and civil engineering works using BIM
since March 2022. It is worth noting that COMSA Corpora-
Innovations: ción was a pioneer in the use of BIM, with over 10 years since
In 2023 COMSA Corporación invested more than 8.5 milli- its implementation.
on euros in R&D&i activities. Among the most outstanding
projects in which the group is participating is 5GMed, where ORP: Certification to ISO 45000 regarding the occupational
COMSA is part of the consortium of companies that is car- health and safety management system.
rying out the deployment of 5G technology to guarantee the
connectivity of the Spanish and southern French rail network. Turnover: 929 million Euros.
It is also worth mentioning its presence in the Safe4RAIL-3 No. of employees: 5,641 people.
programme, which is working on the development of techno-
logies and devices for the next generation of the Train Control
and Monitoring System (TCMS).
Finally, as a member of the European Smart Green Rail (eSGR)
consortium, the company participates in 4 of the 6 projects
funded by the first call published by Europe’s Rail Joint Un-
dertaking, an EU initiative that succeeds Shift2Rail and of
which it is a founding partner. These projects are R2DATO,
IAM4RAIL, Rail4EARTH and FutuRe.
As a company specialised in the development of railway in- CONECTORES Y
frastructures, COMSA Corporación is a member of the Board
of In-Move by Railgrup and forms part of the Spanish Railway CABLES VAHER S.L.
Technology Platform (PTFE), integrated into the European Rail
Research Advisory Council (ERRAC). Dirección postal / Postal address:
Calle Malcampo 14, Local
Geographic areas where your products and services are mar- E-28002. Madrid. España
keted: Brazil, Croatia, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Portugal and Teléfono: +34 917130513
Sweden. •
Certifications: Equipo directivo:
Quality: Certification to ISO 9001, covering all the activities Maria Gema Hernando Iglesias, CEO
in which it carries out its activity, including the maintenance Miguel González Hernando, CCO
of high-speed track and switch gear.
Actividad: Componentes; Electrónica; Señalización.
Environmental management: Certification to ISO 14001, is-
sued and covering all activities in which it operates. Certi- Principales productos y servicios:
fication to ISO 50001 for energy management. Certification to VAHER está especializada en la importación, distribución y
308 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2024 Spanish Railway Yearbook