Page 236 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 236

company guide  ABB has a long history of providing innovative and energy-  on of operational and information technologies and enable as-

                 efficient technologies to the rail sector, manufacturing and ser-
                                                                   set health management. Remote and/or face-to-face support,
                                                                   as well as failure analysis by recording records in operation/
                 vicing all components and subsystems in urban, intercity, and
                                                                   maintenance, etc. Stock of spare parts with immediate access
                 high-speed networks for rail infrastructure and rolling stock.
                 We also provide life-cycle service support, including retrofits
                                                                   available to the client. Global qualified service staff in the dri-
                                                                   ve chain (motors, transformers, converters, chargers, etc.).
                 and maintenance for our large global installed base.
                                                                   Top products:  ROLLING STOCK AND TRACTION EQUIP-
                 Management team:
                 Country Holding Officer: Antonio Freije. Country Finance
                 Manager: Silvia Muriel. Country HR: Antonio Freije. Country
                                                                   NE® Energy Storage Systems. 3. Auxiliary power converter
                 Integrity Officer: Isabel Pérez-Coca. Country Communications
                 & Government Relations Manager: Ricardo Martín. Country   MENT: 1. BORDLINE® CC Traction solutions. 2. BORDLI-
                 Sustainability Manager: Sandra Vidal. Country HSE Manager:   Activities in the year:
                 José Carlos Ripoll. Motion Manager: Juan Bachiller. Robotics   Thanks to ABB’s energy-efficient traction converters, the new
                 & Discrete Automation Manager: Sergio Martín. Industrial Au-  rack-and-pinion  railcars  in  Pilatus  Mountain  in  Switzerland
                 tomation Manager: Enric Giner. Electrification Manager: Ruth   will consume 30 percent less energy than the previous gene-
                 Solozábal.                                        ration of trains. The custom-designed ABB traction converter
                                                                   solution is compactly housed in a single enclosure. Two trac-
                 Activity:                                         tion converters are installed underneath each train unit. They
                 Mechanical construction, Electrification, Air conditioning   convert the electrical energy from the overhead line into the
                 equipment, Auxiliary electric equipment, Engineering and   voltage and frequency required to drive the traction motors.
                 consulting, Maintenance, Others.
                                                                   Beyond railway, ABB partners with First Mode to power fleet
                 Main products and services:                       of zero-emission mining haulage trucks.  Earlier 2023, ABB
                 Rolling stock: product family BORDLINE®, (traction conver-  was awarded an order by global carbon reduction company,
                 ters with integrated auxiliary converter, auxiliary converters,   First Mode to supply energy storage systems (ESS) for a fleet of
                 battery chargers and energy storage systems), auxiliary power   zero-emission mining haulage trucks. A project that will de-
                 converter POWERBRIX®, traction motors & generators, auxi-  monstrate ABB’s capability to help companies electrify trans-
                 liary motors for HVAC and braking systems, surge arresters,   portation to eliminate the use of diesel fuel in even the most
                 low voltage products and services (wide portfolio for on-board   challenging of operations.
                 applications), cable ties and protection systems and asset opti-
                 mization and management solutions.                First Mode’s order for 80 ABB BORDLINE® ESS based on li-
                                                                   thium-ion battery technology extends the companies’ collabo-
                 Infrastructure:  High  voltage  switchgears,  medium-voltage   rative efforts in the electrification of heavy transport. In 2022,
                 outdoor modules, medium voltage switchgears and breakers,   First Mode utilized ABB’s megawatt-scale DC-to-DC conver-
                 traction rectifiers, low-voltage switchgears, panels and equip-  ter and on-site engineering expertise to launch the world’s first
                 ment, energy management systems ENVILINE (energy storage,   ultra-class haulage truck powered by a hydrogen fuel cell.
                 energy recovery, energy dissipation), UPS, complete AC & DC   According to First Mode, replacing just one diesel truck with
                 traction substations, SCADA, flexible AC transmission systems   an electric model would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by
                 (FACTS), static frequency converters, programmable automati-  2,700 metric tons a year — about the same as taking 700 pas-
                 on, consulting, asset optimization and management solutions.  senger cars off the road.

                 E-mobility: Traction products and solutions for buses, com-  Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
                 mercial vehicles and industrial vehicles for construction and   keted: All over the world.
                 mining (Traction drives, traction and auxiliary motors and en-
                 ergy storage systems). Electric vehicle charging solutions: AC
                 and DC chargers, e-bus substations, TOSA system.

                 Service: Activities throughout the lifecycle of your assets, life-
                 cycle management, performance improvement, operational
                 efficiency, software-based solutions to facilitate the integrati-

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