Page 234 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide  ting as a sales agent to sell products and solutions for urban   Certifications:

                 railways, high speed etc. of several mainly German, and Au-
                                                                   Quality and Environment: All the companies represented by
                                                                   A. PAUKNER, S.A. are certified for ISO 9001 and ISO 14000.
                 strian companies standing out the following ones: VOSSLOH
                                                                   PAUKNER has also the certificate ISO 9001.
                 FASTENING SYSTEMS: elastic rail fastening systems and po-
                 lymer  sleepers.  WINDHOFF:  workshop  equipment  for  rail-
                 way depots and machinery for the maintenance of the tracks.
                 HANNING & KAHL: signalling systems, point setting mecha-
                 nisms for tramway turnouts, depot management and control-
                 lers, GuideLight – guiding system for intelligent evacuation of
                 stations and tunnels in emergency cases as well as hydraulic
                 brake  systems  for  tramways  and  metros.  GHH-RADSATZ:
                 Wheels for railbound vehicles. KRAIBURG: elastic mats for
                 mass-spring systems and elastic ballast mats for noise and vi-
                 bration attenuation KLOSE: fixed and friction buffer stops.
                                                                    ABB (Asea Brown Boveri, S.A.)
                 Top products: TRACK: 1. VOSSLOH New M-generation of
                 tension clamps. MAINTENANCE: 2. WINDHOFF Multi-Pur-             San Romualdo, 13
                 pose-Vehicle MPV® VentuS®.                                    E-28037 Madrid. España
                                                                                Tel.: +34 901 76 07 62
                 Activities over the last years:                    
                  VOSSLOH FASTENING SYSTEMS: Supply of the elastic rail  
                 fastening  system  300-1 for  the Guadarrama tunnel,  several
                 tunnels of the Eje Atlántico, tunnels of the high-speed line Ma-
                 drid-Levante, tunnels of ADIF suburban lines and the tunnel   Descripción:
                 Perthus of Línea Figueras de Perpignan; supply of direct ela-  ABB es líder tecnológico en electrificación y automatización,
                 stic fastening system 336 for the subways of Mallorca, Sevilla   haciendo posible un futuro más sostenible y eficiente en el
                 and Barcelona; W-Tram system for the subway of Sevilla, the   uso de los recursos. Las soluciones de la empresa conectan
                 tramways of Vitoria, Tenerife, Barcelona and funicular of Ar-  los conocimientos de ingeniería y el software para optimizar
                 txanda/Bilbao and rail fastening system W14 for the tramway   la forma en que se fabrican, mueven, energizan y operan las
                 of Alcalá de Guadaira by Sevilla; delivery of polymer sleepers   cosas. Superando los 140 años de excelencia, los más de
                 to Ferrocarril Metropolità de Barcelona. WINDHOFF: Lifting   105.000 empleados de ABB están comprometidos a impulsar
                 jacks for RENFE (FEVE) and Metro Barcelona, underfloor train   innovaciones que aceleren la transformación industrial. www.
                 lifting systems and bogie repair stands for Metro Madrid, bo-
                 gie measuring device for Renfe. HANNING & KAHL: signal-
                 ling systems and point setting mechanisms for Metro Tenerife,   ABB tiene una larga trayectoria en el suministro de tecnologías
                 the tramway of Murcia and the tramway of Mauritius, point   innovadoras y energéticamente eficientes al sector ferroviario,
                 setting mechanisms for the subway of Málaga and tramways   fabricando y dando servicio a todos los componentes y subsi-
                 of Barcelona and Barranquilla (Colombia). GHH-RADSATZ:   stemas en redes urbanas, interurbanas y de alta velocidad para
                 Wheel tyres and rubber rings for FGV and METRO MADRID   infraestructura ferroviaria y material rodante. También propor-
                 as well as wheel tyres for METRO TENERIFE, the tramway of   cionamos soporte de servicio durante el ciclo de vida, inclui-
                 Parla (Madrid) and Metro Ligero Oeste (Madrid). Furthermore,   das las actualizaciones, modernizaciones y el mantenimiento
                 supply of elastic mats for mass-spring systems for ADIF, the   de nuestra base completa y globalmente instalada.
                 Ministry of Public Works, the subway of Madrid, Barcelona,
                 Sevilla and the tramway of Tenerife and Alicante as well as   Equipo directivo:
                 elastic ballast mats for the ADIF and SFM Mallorca.  Country Holding Officer: Antonio Freije. Country Finance
                                                                   Manager: Silvia Muriel. Country HR: Antonio Freije. Country
                 Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-  Integrity Officer: Isabel Pérez-Coca. Country Communications
                 keted:                                            & Government Relations Manager: Ricardo Martín. Country
                 Spain, South America and other particular areas.  Sustainability Manager: Sandra Vidal. Country HSE Manager:
                                                                   José Carlos Ripoll. Motion Manager: Juan Bachiller. Robotics
                                                                   & Discrete Automation Manager: Sergio Martín. Industrial Au-

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