Page 122 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 122

infrastructure  Utilización de la infraestructura

               Use of the infrastructure
               Recorrido anual de los trenes
               Annual run of trains

               Recorrido anual en kilómetros de los trenes de viajeros y de mercancías
               en la red de Adif (2013 - 2022)
               Annual run in kilometres of passenger and freight trains in Adif network (2013 - 2022)

                                     2013   2014   2015  2016   2017   2018  2019   2020   2021   2022  % (21-22)
                Cercanías           60.129.193  61.134.674  60.734.284  59.928.981  60.543.984  60.384.639  60.078.625  55.002.691  55.606.345  56.245.259  1,15
                Media Distancia + Avant  40.800.149  39.518.821  39.508.755  40.722.817  40.558.688  40.111.480  39.851.469  28.233.598  32.328.088  37.695.152  16,60
                AVE y Lanzaderas
                Larga Distancia
                Larga Dist. + AV Com.  (1)  60.667.566  64.584.511  61.961.144  60.731.719  61.413.271  62.516.861  63.297.537  34.648.230  40.928.974  54.125.426  32,24
                Renfe Ancho Métrico  8.472.459  8.520.267  8.373.962  8.139.218  8.128.881  8.102.959  7.965.601  7.006.215  7.477.211  7.578.885  1,36
                Otros  (2)                               3.215  27.925  54.648  37.405  35.102  34.804  83.568  140,1
                Total trenes viajeros  170.069.367  173.758.273  170.578.145  169.525.950  170.672.749  171.170.587  171.230.637  124.925.836  136.375.422  155.728.290  14,19
                Mercancías Renfe    19.394.125  20.730.983  19.075.929  17.870.116  17.382.568  16.667.960  16.745.347  13.653.669  14.419.732  15.018.979  4,16
                Empresas privadas   4.544.071  5.523.422  7.060.493  7.711.980  7.990.864  8.973.694  9.326.883  8.694.156  10.045.028  10.849.885  8,01
                Renfe Ancho Métrico  1.212.069  1.032.723  929.371  586.841  548.297  532.772  435.208  433.222  57.014  0  -100,0
                Total trenes mercancías  25.150.265  27.287.128  27.065.793  26.168.937  25.921.729  26.174.426  26.507.438  22.781.047  24.521.774  25.868.864  5,49
                Otros Renfe Operadora  519.643  235.921  16.753
                Adif Servicio Interno  198.552.890 204.117.453 200.570.764 198.402.463 199.335.399 199.904.339 200.268.705 150.377.978 163.795.404 184.398.315  -3,35
          use of the infrastructure  Recorrido anual en kilómetros de los trenes por servicio (2007-2022)
                 Total (km)
                                                 A ACCTTUUAALLIIZZAADDOO  AA  22002222
               Annual run in kilometres of trains per type of service (2007-2022)

                      180.000.000                                                                  100
                      160.000.000                                                                  80
                      140.000.000                                                                  70
                      120.000.000                                                                  60

                      100.000.000                                                                  50
                       80.000.000                                                                  40
                       60.000.000                                                                  30

                       40.000.000                                                                  20
                       20.000.000                                                                  10
                              0                                                                    0
                                2007  2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
                                     Total trenes viajeros  Total trenes mercancías  % Viajeros  % Mercancías

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