Page 541 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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cils on matters of urban planning, environ- MBA – Master in Business Administration gineering, specialising in Production Mana-
mental issues and administrative law. From por la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de gement from FEUP - Faculty of Engineering,
2007 to 2008 he worked as an attorney at la Universidad Católica Portuguesa (2003- University of Porto, Portugal (1989-1995).
the legal department of the publicly-owned 2004). MBA - Master in Business Administration
company Euskal Trenbide Sarea (ETS) and from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the
in 2008 at the publicly-owned company Bi- Trayectoria profesional: Catholic University of Portugal (2003-2004). protagonistas
zkailur, now known as Azpiegiturak. Comenzó su trayectoria profesional en 1999
He was the councillor in responsible for ur- en la empresa Metro do Porto, S.A. como di- Professional Experience:
ban planning and deputy mayor of Mundaka rector Adjunto de Equipos Electromecánicos He began his professional career in 1999 at
from 1999 to 2007, and mayor of the town y Construcción de los Talleres y de las Coc- Metro do Porto, S.A. as Deputy Director of
from 2007 to 2013. Hw was also a member heras. A partir del 2004, y hasta 2007, traba- Electromechanical Equipment and Construc-
of the territorial board of EUDEL (Associati- ja en Somague-Sacyr Vallehermoso/Transdev tion of Workshops and Depots. From 2004
on of Basque Municipalities) from 2007 to como coordinador de interfaces del proyecto to 2007, he worked for Somague-Sacyr Va-
2010. In 2009 he won a seat in the Basque del Tranvía de Tenerife. Una vez finalizado el llehermoso/Transdev as interface coordinator
Parliament for the Basque National Party (EA- proyecto, y en su fase de preoperación del for the Tenerife Tramway project. Once the
J-PNV), which he held until 2011. At the mu- tranvía, es nombrado director de Operaci- project was completed and in its pre-opera-
nicipal and regional assembly elections that ones del Tranvía de Tenerife, con Transdev tional phase, he was appointed Director of
year he was elected as an assembly member como socio técnico de Metrotenerife (Me- Operations for the Tenerife Tramway, with
and appointed spokesman of the EAJ-PNV tropolitano de Tenerife, S.A.). Tras el cambio Transdev as technical partner of Metrote-
group at the General Assembly of Bizkaia. a entidad 100% pública de Metrotenerife, nerife (Metropolitano de Tenerife, S.A.). After
From January 2013 to 1 July 2015 he was continúa trabajando en Transdev como di- Metrotenerife became a 100% public entity,
the Provincial Councillor for the Presidency rector técnico de explotación para después he continued working for Transdev as Tech-
and spokesman for the Provincial Council of dedicar algunos años a una empresa multi- nical Director of Operations and then spent
Bizkaia. nacional del sector de servicios auxiliares. some years working for a multinational com-
Durante los últimos años de su experiencia pany in the auxiliary services sector.
Other positions: Chair of the General Coun- vuelve a estar vinculada a proyectos ferrovia- During the last years of his experience, he
cil and Executive Committee of the CTB rios en Israel, primero como director de ope- was once again involved in railway projects
(Bizkaia Transport Consortium) and Chair of raciones para CAF Turnkey & Engineering, in Israel, first as Operations Manager for CAF
Metro Bilbao. S.L. y después como director de operaciones Turnkey & Engineering, S.L., and then as Se-
Senior de LAVI Light Rail O&M. nior Operations Manager for LAVI Light Rail
A principios de abril de 2023 accede al car- O&M.
go de director-gerente de Metrotenerife. At the beginning of April 2023, he was
appointed Managing Director of Metrote-
R E-38108 San Cristóbal de La Laguna. Santa nerife.
Dirección postal / Postal address:
Carretera General La Cuesta-Taco, 124.
Cruz de Tenerife. España.
Tel.: +34 922 02 48 00
Fax: +34 922 57 42 54 R
Ribeiro, Pedro
Director Gerente de
METROTENERIFE (Metropolitano
de Tenerife, S.A.)
Ribeiro, Pedro
Fecha de nacimiento: 23/02/1970. Managing Director of Rincón Córcoles, Mª
METROTENERIFE (Metropolitano Carmen
Formación académica: de Tenerife, S.A.) Directora General de Renfe Alquiler
Licenciado en Ingeniería Industrial Supe- de Material Ferroviario, S.A.
rior, con especialización en Gestión de la Date of birth: 23 February 1970.
Producción por FEUP – Facultad de Inge- Formación académica: Licenciada en Cien-
niería de la Universidad de Oporto, Portugal Academic background: cias Económicas y Empresariales por la Uni-
(1989-1995). Bachelor’s Degree in Higher Industrial En- versidad Complutense de Madrid.
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 539