Page 539 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 539

Alcorcón City Council (from 2011 to 2019).                       year 2013. At Globalvia, he is in charge of
            President of the Federation of Municipalities                    the Railways Business Direction.
            of Madrid (FMM) (from December 2011 un-
            til November 2015), member of the Board of          Q            Other positions:
            the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and                     Technical Director in Euroscut, Sociedade
            Provinces (FEMP) (from July 2015 until June                      Concesionaria da SCUT do Algarve (Portu-  protagonistas
            2019), member of the Assembly of Madrid                          gal). Managing Director at Autopista del Sol,
            -regional parliament- from 2003 to present,                      CESA (Spain). Member of the Board of Direc-
            where he has been speaker of the Control                         tors in six Chilean companies – Cintra Chile.
            Committee of Telemadrid, Chair of the Com-  Trayectoria profesional:  O&M Director overseeing the assets where
            mission of Study of the Society of Informati-  Vinculado al mundo de la construcción y   Globalvia is located as well as nationally and
            on and Knowledge, Deputy Speaker of the   operación de infraestructuras durante más   internationally.
            Popular Parliamentary Group and Speaker of   de 15 años en empresas líderes como Cin-
            the Popular Group in the Assembly of Ma-  tra, viene desarrollando estas funciones en el
            drid (2008-2011). He has also worked in   sector ferroviario desde el año 2013 en Glo-
            Madrid City Council as Technical  Advisor,   balvia, donde está al frente de la Dirección
            in the Regional Government of Madrid (as   de Negocio de Ferrocarriles.
            Deputy Regional Minister of Work and Wo-                                             R
            men), RTVE Technical Advisor in the Regio-  Otros cargos:
            nal Government of Madrid (Speaker) and has   Director  Técnico de Euroscut, Sociedade
            been a guest lecturer both at Universities and   Concesionaria da SCUT do Algarve (Portu-
            Business Schools as a specialist in Strategic   gal). Director General de Autopista del Sol,
            Communication.                  CESA (España). Miembro del Consejo de
                                            Administración de seis autopistas chilenas   Rallo del Olmo,
            Other positions:                - Cintra Chile. Director de Explotación Ser-  María José
            He has performed a variety of responsibility   vicios Concesionales en Globalvia para los   Secretaria General de Transportes
            roles in regional electoral campaign teams   activos que posee la compañía tanto en el   y Movilidad del Ministerio de
            (responsible for policy papers in most cases   ámbito nacional como internacional.  Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda
            and, in the last regional elections, responsi-                   Urbana
            ble for party programme) as well as in nati-  Dirección postal / address:
            onal teams (member of the writing team of   Torre de Cristal. Paseo de la Castellana, 259   Fecha y lugar de nacimiento: 1971, Caste-
            the national party platform). He is a member   C – Planta 22.    llón.
            of the Board of the Popular Party at national   E-28046 Madrid. España
            level, member of the Board of the Popular   Tel.: +34 91 456 58 50  Formación académica:
            Party of Madrid and President of the Popular  Ingeniera de Caminos, Canales y Puertos
            Party in Alcorcón.                                               por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
                                                                             y Licenciada en Economía por la UNED.
                                                                             Además, tiene un Máster en Análisis y Ges-
            Quintero Martínez,              Quintero Martínez,               tión de Políticas Públicas por la Universidad
            Daniel                          Daniel                           Carlos III y ha cursado el Programa de Lide-
            Director del Área de Negocio de   Railways Director at Globalvia  razgo para la Gestión Pública del IESE.
            Ferrocarriles de Globalvia
                                            Date of birth: January 31st, 1966.  Trayectoria profesional:
            Fecha de nacimiento: 31 de enero de 1966.                        Pertenece al Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Ca-
                                            Academic background:             minos, Canales y Puertos del Estado desde
            Formación académica:            Cantabria University ETSICCP de Santander–   1998, habiendo desempeñado toda su car-
            Ingeniero de Caminos (ETSICC y P de San-  Degree in MSc Civil Engineer.  rera profesional desde esa fecha en el actual
            tander - 1984-91). Financial Seminar for Se-                     Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agen-
            nior Managers Programme      (London   Career path:              da Urbana.
            Business School - 2009). Programa de Finan-  Linked to the world of construction and ope-
            zas Corporativas  (Instituto de Empresa – Ma-  ration of infrastructure for more than 15 ye-  Desde junio de 2018 desempeñaba el pues-
            drid -2005).                    ars in leading companies like Cintra, he has   to de Secretaria General de Transporte en el
                                            developed this role in the rail sector from the   Ministerio de Fomento y anteriormente des-

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