Page 473 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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condition, Legorreta-Tolosa, Madrid-Hendaye line. high speed lines traction substations and collateral installations.
* Works on the construction project for the eastern traction * Development of a predictive maintenance system for
substation of the Valladolid railway bypass and rehabilitation catenaries.
of the Pinar de Antequera and Cabezón de Pisuerga traction * Development and testing of sensors for the monitoring of
substations. automatic tension compensation sections in catenaries.
* Works for the construction project of new interlockings in * Development of an algorithm for the complete geometric
Veriña and Serín railway stations. characterisation of a contact wire from precise point LIDAR guía de empresas
* Construction project for tunnel lighting refurbishment in measurements and continuous measurements with noise.
Madrid-Sevilla High Speed Line. * Development of an advanced CMMS system.
* Maintenance of the traction substation installations, auto- *Recovery and use of energy from the vibrations produced by
transformer centres and energy remote command on the Venta railways (REVIFE).
de Baños - Burgos section of the 080 Madrid-Valladolid - *Development system for characterization of railway
Burgos high-speed line. infrastructure by LiDAR image.
* Procurement of TCAT equipment for MTR, Hong Kong. * Switch point heating solution, high performance in efficiency,
*Rigid Catenary Electrification of Lima suburban, Line 2 (Peru). availability and system versatility.
* Execution of the construction project for the refurbishment *Application development and integration of Web-based
of the 2200v power cable between Covas and Monforte de computing, and local electrification infrastructure.
Lemos, León-A Coruña line *Development of a CAD environment for OCS design and
*Preventive and corrective maintenance assistance and calculation.
ancillary works for electrification facilities (overhead contact *Intelligent Tunnel lighting.
line, traction substations and high voltage power lines). ADIF- *SCADA for central control of switch point heaters.
lot 2 (Northwest). *Heat transfer simulations in switch point heating systems /
*Maintenance support services for cable network and development of control algorithms.
telecommunications systems. ADIF-lot 1 (Northwest). *Intelligent drive design and development controller for OCS
*Maintenance support services for telecommunications cable interaction.
and systems network. ADIF-lot 2 (North). *Local operation facility and remote control system for OCS
*Execution of the construction project for the power remote power disconnectors.
control of the Plasencia-Badajoz section of the Madrid-
Extremadura high-speed railway line. Geographic areas where your products and services are
* Power supply to mobile telephony operator infrastructures marketed:
(BTO) from 750 V-Line II in the Madrid-Lérida section of the Spain, Norway, United Kingdom, Portugal, Denmark, Chile,
Madrid-Barcelona-Figueras high-speed line. Peru, Canada, USA, Hong Kong.
*Installation and maintenance of autotransformers and traction
power lines remote control for the Pedralba – Orense section in Certifications:
Madrid – Galicia High Speed Line. Quality management system certificate: According to the norm
*Integral management of the safety and security systems in the UNE - EN ISO 9001:2000 (ER-0186 / 1996). Environmental
tunnels of the Madrid – Barcelona – French border High Speed Management System Certificate: according to the norm UNE
Line. - EN ISO 14001:2004 (GA-2005 / 0302). R & D I Management
*Maintenance of Security and Communication network of System Certificate: according to the norm UNE 166002 (IDI-
Tunnels in ADIF’s Conventional Railway network. Northwest 0006/2009). Occupational Risk Prevention System Certificate:
Lot. according to the OHSAS Norma 450001:2018. Information
*OCL maintenance in the Madrid-Castilla la Mancha-Valencia- Security Management System Certificate: According to the
Murcia high speed line. norm UNE ISO/IEC 27001:2007 (SI-0046/2009).
*Installation and set-up work for the optic fiber network. Lot 2
and 4 (REE). Turnover: (2022) ≈20.750.000 Euros
* Switch point heating system. ETS. No. of employees: (2022) ≈217
R&D investment: (2022) ≈425.000 Euros
Innovations in 2022:
* Development of a next generation track-side dynamic
pantograph sensor.
* Development of a distributed-integrated command system for
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 471