Page 453 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 453

- Conducting electrical tests.                   - EN9100:2018

                 Top products: COMPONENTS: 1. M12 Connec-         CERTIFICATIONS FOR ASSEMBLY AND DISTRIBUTION
                 tors. 2. REP Connectors. 3. C360 Contactors. ROLLING   CONNECTORS
                 STOCK AND TRACTION EQUIPMENT: 4. IntelliArm.     - MIL-DTL - 38999 - SCP AMPHENOL AUTHORIZA-
                                                                  TION                                           guía de empresas
                                                                  - MIL-C-5015
                 Activities in the year:                          - CIR-ITT CANNON
                 Power hoses and connectors for new digital beacon   ADS (Airbus Defence & Space)
                 ASFA                                             - Special procedures Certificate:
                 Railway signaling and control                    - Cut and strip
                                                                  - Crimping
                 RENFE                                            - Soldering
                 Electrical Installation of refrigerated containers platforms  - Overbrading
                 Soft starter kits for locomotives manufacture    - B1 sealants

                 STADLER RAIL                                     EASA PART145 certification:
                 MC for Eurodual locomotive                       - Staff duly certified for Aeronautical assembly.
                 MC for Eurodual 4001 locomotive                  - IPC - A - 610
                 MC for Lugano-Italy tram                         - IPC/WHMA-A-620
                 MC for Szeged-Hungary locomotive                 - Authorized distributor, repair & calibration by DMC.
                 MC for Keolis-Greece locomotive
                 MC for AVA/BLT locomotive                        Turnover: 31,5 million Euros
                 MC fo r ADIF locomotive                          No. of employees: +200
                                                                  Share capital: 120.202 Euros
                 CAF / ACTREN                                     Results: 4.735.000 Euros
                 Weatherproof bogies series ATPRD / AVGL / AVR
                 Retrofit Electric hoses from bogies to boxes S120
                 Modernization of diesel engine control decks S598

                 On-board Scanner equipment
                 Retrofit and railway material modifications

                 PATENTES TALGO
                 High Speed - RENFE 070
                 Innovations:                                           Servicios Industriales y Transportes, S.A.
                 3D Printing Capacity
                 Automatic contact crimp systems.                         Ciudad de Frías, 24 – 32  Nave 25
                 Improvements in the production process to ensure tight-     E-28021 Madrid. España
                 ness in the wiring.                                          Tel.: +34 91 505 21 01
                                                                              Fax: +34 91 798 76 64
                 Geographic areas where your products and services are
                 marketed: Spain, Portugal, and the rest of Europe.   

                 Certifications:                                 Equipo directivo: Director General: Bernardino Sanz Alonso.
                 - UNE EN ISO9001:2015                           Actividad: Mantenimiento de infraestructura.

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