Page 447 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 447

Demand and traffic studies
               Profitability and economic impact studies         - ACROT: Advisory system for risk control in the operation of
               Concession structuring                            ACROT  tunnel  boring  machines,  based  on  the  combination
               Transport planning                                of a digital platform for data collection, processing, analysis
                                                                 and visualization in real time with the technical expertise of
               - Design phase services:                          a dedicated team of specialists, a detailed and permanently
               Preliminary design                                updated  procedures  manual  and  a  structured  database  with  guía de empresas
               Detailed engineering                              project  history.  The  system  has been  successfully  used  in
               Final design                                      projects such as the first phase of the Oporto metro (Portugal),
               Systems integration                               the Barcelona Sants-Sagrera high-speed railway line and line 3
               Schedule and cost estimates                       of the Guadalajara metro (Mexico).
               Value Engineering
                                                                 - Structural health monitoring system for railway bridges
               - Construction phase:                             based  on data  analytics and  the application of decision-
               Construction management                           making algorithms to predictively assess the future evolution
               Site Supervision and quality control              of the structural condition of the structures, integrated
               Testing and commissioning                         with BIM models. Developed through a pre-commercial
                                                                 innovative public procurement contract with the Center for the
               - Operation and maintenance phase:                Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI).
               Operation and maintenance plans
               Consultancy and assistance for operation and maintenance  - Intelligent energy asset management system EMS: Real-time
               Cost optimization                                 predictive  and automatic  control  system  for all  the  energy
               Start-up assistance                               assets of a facility, optimizing the possible synergies between
               Functional and operational studies                self-consumption generation, storage and energy demand, both
               Development of digital twins                      electrical and thermal.

               - In all phases:                                  Top products: ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 1. Sener is
               Risk management                                   part of the design team for the SRS project for the Scarborough
               Interface management                              subway extension in Toronto. 2. Detailed track design of the
               RAMS - Reliability, availability and maintenance  Brightline West  track  on  the  Las Vegas  -  Los Angeles  high-
               Independent Checking Engineering                  speed rail line.
               Project management integral services
               Documentation and data management                 Activities in the year:
               Quality guarantee and quality control             High-speed and conventional railway:
               Environment and sustainability
               Due diligence                                     -  Alameda-Barrancas Freight Corridor, Port of San  Antonio
               Safety studies and audits. Independent Security Advisory (ISA)  (Chile).
                                                                 - Supervision of executive projects of the Mayan Train, sections
               Products:                                         I to VII.  Technical supervision of all the integral executive
               Sener combines its expert technical knowledge of the   projects of sections I to VII of the Mayan Train (1,505 km)
               railway field with new data science and artificial intelligence   for Fondo Nacional de Fomento al Turismo (FONATUR), in
               technologies  and  with  its  innovation  capabilities  to  develop   Mexico.
               solutions aimed at solving problems or needs of its clients in the   -  Technical, economic, environmental and legal feasibility
               construction, operation and maintenance of railway systems.  studies for FERROESTE. Technical, economic, environmental
                                                                 and legal feasibility studies for the implementation of 1,370 km
               Among these solutions, the following can be highlighted:  of freight railroad between Mato Grosso do Sul and the Port of
                                                                 Paranaguá (Paraná), as well as a section for Foz do Iguaçu for
               - RESPIRA®: System for the optimization of ventilation and   the Department of Rodagem do Paraná - DER/PR (Brazil).
               air conditioning management in metro networks, stations and   - Regional Trans DUBBO (Sydney - Australia)
               other enclosed spaces, focused on improving thermal comfort,   - Brisbane Commuter Rail - Cross River Rail (Australia)
               air quality and energy consumption. In service in five Barcelona   - Study of the Basque Country Railway Network 2021 for ETS
               metro lines, with very significant improvements in both energy   (Spain)
               savings and passenger comfort.                    - Consulting services and technical assistance for the monitoring

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