Page 335 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 335
Railway Sector: Type 1 annual ballast supply (High Speed) - Specifically, CYCASAS’ annual budget for 2022 was presented
for ADIF. Ballast supply on various high-speed sections as € 117,756.01 and approved as € 100,097.04. The annual
for ADIF. Various track maintenance works, upkeep, and budget for 2023 has been presented with a request amounting
urgent interventions, as well as construction and renovation to € 149,812.65.
of superstructure works in all national authorities (ADIF,
ADIF ALTA VELOCIDAD, METRO BILBAO, ETS, ADIF RAM, - It was presented to the MITMA (Ministry of Transport,
AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE SANTANDER, FERROCARRILS Mobility and Urban Agenda) in the second half of the year, guía de empresas
DE LA GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA, FERROCARRILS DE LA as part of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan
GENERALITAT VALENCIANA). for the economy, within the programme to support sustainable
transport, specifically for the “renewal and adaptation of
Machinery and Equipment: Following with the policy resources, machinery for obtaining sustainable road surfaces:
of improving the machinery at CYCASA CANTERAS Y reduction of carbon footprint and noise reducers”.
CONSTRUCCIONES, S.A., different types of machinery for civil
engineering (shovels, trucks, etc.) have been added. Installation - The project was presented jointly with PADECASA, with an
of asphalt plant. Implementation in heavy machinery for investment of € 4,396,723.00, including a subsidy amounting
track levelling and alignment, of SMART ALC track geometry to € 1,758,689.20. The most important investments involve the
optimisation and plotting systems as well as a DRP recording incorporation of RAP into cold recycling, with independent
system. weighing of the two fractions of aggregates recovered from
bituminous mixtures, renewal of lagging, system of liquid and
Innovations: solid additives, humidification of the filler.
Research, Development and Technological Innovation
Geographic areas where your products and services are
- In 2022 we received a favourable simplified environmental marketed: Spain.
report for the project, while waiting for the granting of
building, environmental, and activity permits for introducing Certifications:
the management, transport, treatment, and recycling of Quality, OHS and Environment: Approved as ADIF supplier
construction waste (CDW) into the Municipal District. of AVE aggregates. AENOR company registration, UNE-EN-
ISO 9001-2015 QA standard, UNE-EN-ISO 45001-2018 in
- This will enable a reduced environmental impact, increasing Occupational Health and Safety, Certificate of Registration
the reserves and consumption of natural aggregates by of UNE-EN-ISO-14001-2015, Environmental Management
incorporating CDW into MBs and granular layers, and System. Civil and Railway Works, Railway and Roads Service
integrating the operation into a circular economy model and Maintenance Contracts.
included in the EU’s 2030 targets.
Share capital: 3,113,012.00 euros
- In 2022 we concluded the industry 4.0 project for digitalising
the organisation’s bituminous mixture plant by means of
the SENSASFALT project, incorporating the digitalisation of
bituminous mixture manufacturing processes; the investment
amounted to € 248,824.00.
-The first quarter saw the approval of the GV’s HAZITEK
ECO2D4.0 project for the “Experimental dimensioning of
road infrastructures using strategic waste and development of
a monitoring and simulation ecosystem for the selection of DEIMOS
sustainable solutions”, which was presented with the rest of the (Deimos Space, S.L.U.)
group’s members for the amount of € 652,815.27 and approved
for € 540,356.36. Ronda de Poniente, 19.
Edificio Fiteni VI.
-The group is made up of Befesa (with Waelz process ferrosite), E-28760 Tres Cantos. Madrid. España.
FCC (with bottom ash from MSW), Tubos Reunidos (with black Tel.: +34 91 806 34 50
slag from steelworks), Fuchosa (with green foundry sand), and Fax: +34 91 806 34 51
CYCASAS (with recovered milling waste).
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 333