Page 245 - Anuario FFCC - 2022
P. 245

Structural and Mechanical Design Engineering for rolling
               stock with Catia V5.
               Electrical Design Engineering for rolling stock with Catia V5.
               Software Engineering: Developments of Software and for
               specifics Applications.
               Support of V&V: Validation of Interlocks, ERTMS N1-N2, CBTC,                                      guía de empresas
               Embedded Systems.

               During this year, AKKA has help important construction and
               engineering companies in the RAMS management of their       ALSToM eSpAÑA
               international  projects  such  as  the  Riyadh  Metro,  the Follow
               Line between Oslo and Ski or the electrification of Israel. By   Domicilio social y oficinas centrales:
               the hand of these projects, AKKA has consolidated its RAMS   Martínez Villergas, 49- Edificio V
               competences related to civil works and electrification systems,   E-28027 Madrid. España
               thus complementing the activities that were developing in a   Tel.: +34 91 334 58 00
               traditional way for signaling systems and rolling stock.      Fax: +34 91 334 58 01
               This project encloses signalling systems, manufacturing and
               delivery of 185 new coaches, new passenger information
               systems and security infrastructure that include, cameras inside   Principales Centros:
               the  trains,  an  overhead  electric  transmission  line,  auto-drive,   Centro Industrial de Material Rodante. Santa
               doors located on the platform, air conditioning in the trains and   Perpètua de Mogoda (Barcelona)
               connections with suburban trains.                 Carretera B-140 de Santa Perpètua a Mollet, km. 7,500
               Also, AKKA is working with Metro Santiago de Chile, the mission   E-08130 Santa Perpètua de Mogoda. Barcelona.
               of the HSOT Systems aims to provide the users and operator          España
               of Metro with a global vision of the Metro network and lines   Tel.: +34 93 575 50 00
               details, stations environment conditions and services, taking as   Fax: +34 93 574 04 44
               input the information supplied by the ATS systems (Automatic
               Train Supervision) and the SCADA systems (Supervisory, Control   Centros de mantenimiento integral de equipos
               and Data Acquisition) for all metro lines (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 y L6),   ferroviarios. Getafe (Madrid)
               the energy SCADA system and the toll lines in L6 and L3. Data   Calle Bell, 7-9 y
               are acquired, filtered, analyzed and displayed in real-time.  Calle Westinghouse, nº 2
               The  Technological challenge is the High  Availability of the   Polígono Industrial San Marcos
               System, the project life Cycle is based on a cascade formal Life   E-28906 Getafe. Madrid. España
               Cycle and during the development and testing phase we will
               apply an Agile/SCRUM methodology.                 Centros de ingeniería y laboratorio de Señalización y
                                                                          Seguridad Ferroviaria. Madrid
               Geographic areas where your products and services are     Martínez Villergas, 49- Edificio V
               marketed: Europa, Asia, America, Africa.                     E-28027 Madrid. España
                                                                             Tel.: +34 91 384 80 00
               Certifications:                                               Fax: +34 91 350 99 95
               Quality and Environmental: ISO 9001. Quality System ISO       Edificio Louis Pasteur
               9100 – Requirements for Organization of Aviation, Space and   Avd. del Juncal, 22-24 – 4ª Pl.
               Defence.                                           E-28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes. Madrid. España
               Other Certifications:  ISO/IEC 17020:2012. Conformity         Tel.: +34 91 657 91 00
               Assessment. Requirements for the operating of different types   Fax: +34 91 657 92 13 / +34 91 657 92 40
               of agency that performs the inspection.
                                                                 Centro Global de Innovación Alstom Digital Mobility
               Turnover: 1,100,000,000 Euros                                       (ADM)
               No of employees: 15,000                                   Martínez Villergas, 49- Edificio V
                                                                            E-28027 Madrid. España
                                                                             Tel.: +34 91 384 80 00

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