Page 531 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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para España y Portugal. En abril de 2020 es 2014, with the general management of the E-01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz. País Vasco. España.
nombrado director general y presidente de Services Unit for Spain and Portugal. In April 7 Basque Country. Spain.
Alstom España y Portugal. 2020, he was appointed Management Direc- Tel.: +34 945 01 97 11
tor for Alstom Spain and Portugal.
Dirección postal /address:
Martinez Villergas, 49-Edificio V protagonistas
E-28027 Madrid. España
Tel.: +34 91 334 58 53 Marco de la Peña,
M and Transport in the Basque
Fax: +34 91 334 57 24 Pedro Deputy Minister for Infrastructure
Maestu Miedes, Date of birth: November 3th 1969, Santan-
Leopoldo der (Cantabria).
Managing Director Alstom Spain
and Portugal Educational background:
Marco de la Peña, Civil Engineer. Degree by the University of
Academic background: Pedro Cantabria. 1993.
Industrial Engineer, specialization in Electro- Viceconsejero de Infraestructuras y
nic and Robotic Engineering (Major Degree Transportes del Gobierno Vasco Career path:
from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid). Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Trans-
International Master’s in business adminis- Fecha de nacimiento: 3 de Noviembre de port in the Basque Government. 2020-pre-
tration (MBA) from ESCP Business School in 1969, Santander (Cantabria). sent.
Madrid. Post-grade in Lean Practitioner from Construcciones Fhimasa General Manager.
Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña. Formación académica: 2020.
Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos por i-INGENIA Ingeniería y Arquitectura General
Career path: la Universidad de Cantabria. 1993. Manager. 2020.
Leopoldo Maestu, who joined Alstom with Construcciones Amenabar CEO. 2016-2019.
the AVE arrival to Spain, has developed his Trayectoria profesional: Construcciones Balzola Civil Works and
entire professional career in the railway sec- Viceconsejero de Infraestructuras y Transpor- Railroads Manager. 2013-2015.
tor, with different managerial responsibilities tes. 2020-actualidad. Euskal Trenbide Sarea (ETS) General Mana-
within the Alstom Group, both nationally Director General Construcciones Fhimasa. ger. 2009-2013.
and internationally, in the US, Canada and 2020. Exbasa Obras y Servicios CEO. 2007-2009.
France. Director General i-INGENIA Ingeniería y Ar- Construcciones Amenabar Technical Mana-
Leopoldo joined the Alstom Group in 1991 as quitectura. 2020. ger. 1999-2007.
a maintenance engineer in La Sagra (Toledo) Director Gerente Construcciones Amenabar. Ferrovial Chief of Works. 1994-1999.
Renfe depot, developing the maintenance 2016-2019.
management system for the first high-speed Director de Obra Civil y Ferrocarriles de
trains in Spain, becoming Head of the Main- Construcciones Balzola. 2013-2015. Marroquín Mochales,
tenance Engineering Department for this Director General de Euskal Trenbide Sarea José Luís
fleet from 1993 to 1997. Between 1997 and (ETS). 2009-2013. Secretario General y del Consejo
2003, he moved to Montreal and Washing- Gerente Exbasa Obras y Servicios. 2007- de Administración de la Entidad
ton DC as Technical Director for NeCMSC, 2009. Pública Empresarial Renfe-
the company in charge of the maintenance of Director Técnico en Construcciones Ame- Operadora
Amtrak-owned Acela high-speed trains. nabar. 1999-2007.
In 2004, he was appointed within the Alstom Jefe de Obra en Ferrovial. 1994-1999. Formación académica: Licenciado en De-
Group: High-speed trains Services Global Vi- recho por la Universidad Complutense de
ce-president, based in Paris. Dirección postal / Postal address: Madrid. Letrado de la Junta de Castilla-León.
After a decade in international projects, Le- Gobierno Vasco Abogado del Estado. Letrado de la CTNE, Te-
opoldo Maestu returned to Spain in 2006 as Dpto. de Planificación Territorial, Vivienda lefónica. Y abogado del ICAM.
commercial director for Spain and Portugal, y Transportes
a position that he will compatibilized, from Donostia-San Sebastián, 1 Trayectoria profesional: Entre 1984 y 1985
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 529