Page 439 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 439
and highly reliable power supply for a wide range of functions, *TSS-P, new type of bogie frame monitoring system for
such as GPS, condition monitoring, lighting, brake assistant passenger transport. Axlebox generator. Condition monitoring
and activation of hinged doors on hopper cars. The project has smart system for railway 4.0.
attracted a lot of interest internationally.
- ELGOGLIDE Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Geographic areas where your products and services are
with Corrotect layer and triple lip sealing perfectly match the marketed: Spain and Portugal.
specific harsh environmental conditions of the railway sector. guía de empresas
They feature longer service life, longer replacement periods Certifications:
and lower TCO in highly corrosive environments. Quality and Environment: DIN EN ISO 9000, ISO/ TS 16949,
- INA maintenance-free rod ends, together with INA Metal- IRIS, ISO OSHAS 18001, ISO 9001.
Polymer composite plain bearings for the track gauge changing
- Axlebox bearing units FAG Tarol. FAG TAROL X-life bearings
in Cromadur increase more than twice the service life L10.
In combination with our reconditioning service, it is possible
to reduce maintenance costs, optimizing LCC and reducing
carbon footprint.
- Moreover, Schaeffler has developed optimized bearings
for railway applications with sensors which measure speed,
acceleration and temperature. These data are used to
continuously improve safety and comfort and allow cost-effective SEGULA TECNOLOGIAS
maintenance, based on Condition Monitoring Technology.
Focused in a Railway 4.0 concept, Schaeffler has developed ESPAÑA SAU
a condition monitoring system for railway sector (CMSR) with
intelligent software and a cloud connection for the digitalized Centro de Excelencia Internacional Ferroviario
monitoring and optimized maintenance of entire motorized Centro Empresarial “El Trovador”
and trailer bogies in passenger trains. This allows higher average Plaza Antonio Beltrán Martínez 1 - Planta 6, Oficinas A-B
speeds, greater mileage, and longer maintenance intervals E-50002 Zaragoza. España
to be achieved while also increasing operational reliability Tel.: +34 976 46 42 29
at the same time. The operator/maintenance technician can Fax: +34 976 46 42 31
monitor the condition of individual axlebox bearings through
to complete wheelsets and bogies from anywhere in the world
via an internet connection. Together with sensorised solutions, Descripción:
through Condition Monitoring Technology and devices, like and SEGULA Technologies Spain se encuentra integrado dentro del
SmartCheck, Schaeffler can measure key engine parameters so Grupo SEGULA Technologies, ingeniería de origen francés que
an assessment of the equipment status can be obtained and se posiciona como un líder internacional en el sector de la
required repairs can be carried out during scheduled machine consultoría, asistencia técnica e innovación.
maintenance downtimes. Con más de 30 años de recorrido y 140 oficinas técnicas
- Reconditioning of axlebox bearings, irrespective of repartidas por el mundo, SEGULA presta servicios de ingeniería
manufacturer. This includes all axlebox bearings of cylindrical, de alto valor añadido interviniendo en las distintas fases de
spherical, and tapered roller bearing design for different rail un proyecto industrial desde la definición y concepción del
vehicles such as high-speed trains, street cars, and subways. proyecto, hasta la realización de los estudios técnicos y la
puesta en marcha y seguimiento.
Top products: COMPONENTS: 1. TAROL bearing in SEGULA Technologies ofrece servicios de asistencia técnica en
Cromadur; service life increased by more than twice. 2. Mid- las oficinas del cliente, y realiza proyectos desde sus propias
frequency inductor for mounting and dismounting of roller instalaciones. SEGULA es una empresa en plena expansión
bearings (CRB) en Europa, América y Asia, con un volumen de facturación
de 750 millones de Euros y una plantilla de más de 13.000
Innovations: empleados. SEGULA Technologies está presente en 30 países,
acompañando sus clientes allí donde estos desarrollan sus
*FAG-Wheelset Generator TSS-F, monitoring system for freight proyectos.
trains. SEGULA Technologies es la ingeniería de referencia en el
desarrollo de sistemas ferroviarios, especialmente de material
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 437