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company guide  para Metro Bangalore Fase 2a y 2b. (India)  cable cars, etc.
                  9. Diseño de detalle de las instalaciones ferroviarias y no
                                                                    ISA (Independent Safety Assessor) for Infrastructure, Energy,
                                                                    Control-Command Signalling and Rolling Stock Subsystems.
                  ferroviarias de la Línea 6 de Metro de Sao Paulo (Brasil)
                                                                    RAMS studies, Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Studies.
                  10. Ingeniería de instalaciones de seguridad e instalaciones
                  de electrificación de la Dublin Coastal Line (Metro Dublin –
                                                                    Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance Simulations.
                                                                    Top products:  ENGINEERING  AND CONSULTING: 1.
                  Participación en el proyecto OPTIMA y el proyecto
                                                                    in Railway Operation and Railway Maintenance:
                  4SECURAIL de Shift2Rail, del programa de innovación   Development of Computer Applications for Consultancy
                                                                    RailPower, RailTraffic, SIMOLE, AUTOELEC. TRAINING,
                  europeo H2020                                     CERTIFICATION, RESEARCH: 2. Independent Safety Assessor:
                                                                    ISA Accreditation for Control-command and signalling,
                  El objetivo del proyecto OPTIMA es diseñar y desarrollar una   Energy, Rolling Stock and Infrastructure.
                  plataforma de comunicación con el fin de gestionar los distintos
                  servicios (sistemas operativos multimodales), que apoyan las   Activities in the year:
                  aplicaciones TMS (sistema de gestión de tráfico).   1.  Works Supervision for the construction projects of the
                                                                    Enlargement and remodeling of the high-speed tracks and
                  El proyecto 4SECURAIL, coordinado por Ardanuy Ingeniería,   platforms and the main passenger building at Chamartín High
                  desarrollará una respuesta coordinada en materia de   Speed station (Madrid).
                  ciberseguridad para proteger una infraestructura crítica como   2. Comprehensive Supervision of the Operation and
                  es la red ferroviaria.                            Maintenance for the Service of Line 1 of Lima and Callao Metro
                  Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos   3. Pre-feasibility studies of the Southern rail corridor in the
                  y servicios:  Ardanuy trabaja en los 5 continentes y ha   railway modality and its articulation with other transport
                  desarrollado trabajos en más de 70 países. Tiene además oficina   projects in the Bogota - Cundinamarca region.
                  permanente en España, India, Colombia, Argelia y Lituania.  4. Consultancy for the elaboration of recommendations for the
                                                                    maintenance of High Speed   infrastructures of Israel Railways.
                  Certificaciones: Calidad y Medio Ambiente:        5. Detailed Design for the modifications of the ERTMS,
                  Certificación  /  Acreditación:  ISO 9001 (Calidad), ISO   communcations and energy facilities to adapt them to the
                  14001 (Medioambiente), ISO 45001 (Seguridad y salud), ISO   alignment of the new High-Speed Chamartín Station.
                  17020 (Evaluación independiente de seguridad); Achilles (Link   6. Pre-Feasibility Study, Detailed Survey and Financing
                  up) (UK para sistemas de seguridad, telecomunicaciones, y   alternatives for the construction of a cable car linking the
                  electrificación).                                 Kumrat and Madaklasht valleys (Pakistan).
                                                                    7. Consultancy Services, application development and technical
                  Nº de empleados: 400                              assistance for the Risk Management and Operational Safety for
                  Capital social: 60.121 euros                      the Valencian Railways (FGV).
                  Inversión I+D: 1.200.000 euros                    8. Detailed Design of new depots for the Doddajala Airport
                  Ventas: 22,5 millones de euros                    line and remodeling of the existing one in Baiyyappanahalli for
                                                                    Metro Bangalore Phase 2a and 2b. (India).
                                                                    9. Detailed design of the railway and non-railway facilities of
                                                                    Line 6 of São Paulo Metro (Brazil)
                  Management team:                                  10. Consultancy and design of safety and electrification
                  CEO:  Carlos  Alonso.  Financial  Director:  Carlos  Estévez.   installations of the Dublin Coastal Line (Dublin Metro – Ireland).
                  International Director: Alberto González. COO: Abraham García.
                  Latin America Director: Juan Manuel Cabellos. R+D Director:   Innovations:
                  Bernat Amadas.                                    Participation in the OPTIMA Project and 4SECURAIL
                                                                    Project of the Shift2Rail, Research & Innovation
                  Activity:  Railway Engineering and Consultancy Services in   Framework Program, under the H2020 umbrella:
                  transport and energy sectors.
                                                                    The OPTIMA project will address the design and development
                  Main products and services:                       of a Communication Platform to manage the link with different
                  Feasibility Studies, Basic and Detailed Design, Works Supervision   services (multimodal operational systems), supporting  TMS
                  and Project Management for railways, metros, trams, monorails,   applications.

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